Sunday, February 7, 2021

Remedy - Jupiter Saturn combusion in Capricorn

 Combustion Remedies

 Currently by transit Saturn and Jupiter are Combust by the Sun. 

Here are some remedies/guidelines that can help us get through this transit. 

1. Chant the Savitur Gayatri Mantra ( Tat savitur varenyam; Bhargo devasya dheemahi; Dhiyo yonah prachodayaat) this mantra has the power to invoke the healing energy of the Sun. 

2. Worship Bhaga Aditya connected with the sign Capricorn where the combustion is happening. The mantra to honor Bhaga Aditya is Aum Ghrini Bhaga Aditya (I learned this mantra from Pandit Sanjay Rath)

3. Worship Lord Shiva who can protect us from combustion. You can do so by chanting any of your favorite Shiva mantras. The simplest yet most powerful mantra - Aum Namah Shivaya can be very helpful during this time. You can also listen to Sri Rudram. 

4. Be detailed oriented and work harder during this transit as that is one of the traits of Bhaga Aditya. You should avoid egoistic decisions and being stingy. 

5. Donation is one of the best remedies in Vedic Astrology. You can donate how much ever you can to any of your favorite causes or temples or spiritual organisations. 

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