Kendra relationship
This Kendra relationship serves very well with the natural signification of planets like Moon-Venus in 1 – 10 from each other and will give benefits or career in the art field. Same way Mars in ascendant and Saturn in 10th is good for property.Some folks having Mars in ascendant and Saturn in 10thhouse inherited a good amount of lands.
kendra refers to angular houses (1,4,7 and 10) . known as physical existense of the person and known as Vishnu Sthan and trikone refers to lakshmi sthhan.
These are the house are natural auspecious houses (doesn't mean that they do not give difficulty). These are four pillars of the life.
1st house is your physical existence. the moment you are borne, that is the snapshot. 4th house is our happiness, sense of belonging.
If 4th house is strong, many difficult combinations can be overcome.4th lors is in good dignity, with whatever difficulty they have in career, married life etc., they do not feel that life is a curse.
7th house of sexuality, partnership, house of open enimies. thsi is also a mirror of te 1st house. Planet in the 7th house will bless the lagna or curse the lagna. Any plnaet will aspect the lagna.
10th house shows our impact. Primary house of Karma. Work is referred to 6th house. 10ht house is the house that shows the work you do to impact the society.
There is 3 kendras; kendra from lagna (1,4,7,10)
we have to consder (2,5,8, 11)
we have to consider (3, 6, 9, 12)
Mars in 3rd and Venus in 6th house - but they are in kendra from each other
Whichever planets are in kendra, they will try to manifest each other's trait. Mars and Venus will have harminous relationship with each other. Mars traits wil be exerted in relation to Venus. whenever it comes things related to Venus, Mars is in Kendra (very strong); wife relationshop sexuality. he may not be foreful in other areas of life, but will be very foeceful related to venus.
suppose such a woman is having a suspecious about another woman wooing her boyfriend, she will either blast her partner or other girl. She will be very aggressive.
Mars in 1st house, then he will be naturally aggreesive, headstrong, go getter (especially Mars in 10th house) in all areas of life.
Mars in fire sign, he will go fight. Air, spread rumors, water, he will emotinally manipulate, earth, show finacial
Jupiter in Kendra Moon;
We will help each other's agenda (uplift), push each other, may lead to difficulty. influence consider very good. the highest level of positivity.
5th house; 2, 8 and 11, we are very positive about these houses. Very positive for money. Suddenly you draw lottery, inheritance. Blessings of the god will be there in those houses.
Jupiter and Venus in Kendra (12 and 3)
whenever it comes to relationship, ignore the faults of person, accomodating, fabulous for marriage. Things related to Venus are very good. even it is debiliated it will still enhance the trait of venus. person is very creative
Moon and Venus
enhance each other's agenda, push each other. Traits of moon to be happy and venus romance and luxury. Very much concerned about gaining happines from relations. they will not stay in relationship. if they can't find reciprocation from partnerJupter and Mercury
great blessing for financials. extremely good with friends, creaivity, decorating home.
Venus and Saturn
person will have trait of saturn associated with Venus. saturn in 1st or 4th, these people inevitably face disappointmen in love life , marriage. you might have to settle for someone who does not look that great, family, stratus of spouse could be from lower family
Sun and Saturn
very hard tussle
Moon and Mars
he will be heasdstrong related to home. come to mother, property and land
Mercury and MARS
headstrong related to money. best placement to have; beautiful placement
Saturn and Mercury
in areas of money, saturn influnce will be very comon. In Satutn Mercury traits are there; person is money minded, very miser
status, name, fame (may be soft nature), when it comes matter related to sun, he will be aggressive.
Saturn and MARS -
very difficult combintion, Saturn and MARS in kendra will push each other. There are tremenoudss difficulty (specially conjunct) a lot of struggle in life. If in Ta then related to luxury winning and dining you wil have trouble
Rahu in kendra to any planet
You will have to use rahu to fulfill the agenadd for the planet
If Guru in Kendra from Rahu; if follower of Vedic tradition, they will push each other if you satisfy both of them. If you find a guru from different origin, you will have a higher spritual perfection. instead of learning from Guru who is traditional
If Venus and Rahu; marry someone of different cast, different religion. If you do that, rahu will push the agenda of the marriage. you have to see so many other things. How the marriage will be, will depnd on many other factors
If Ketu in 9th and any planet in (3,6,12); if we practive spritia;ity then push that plaet. If Venus, we try attach to the partner, you will be the most miserable person. Every morning chant some mantra, weekend visit temple, evening do bhajan, charity
Sun and Ketu (mercury); sprituality become very important. person is very much focused. your carerr will shoot up, especialyy ehen Mercuty is there
If Sun in Kendra from Jupiter; Jp is moral, abiiy to know what is right and wrong (birds eye view), Person will be strict and fixed. can be good/bad. If jp is exalted and sun is ar, these people will go to spritual path, they are Very positive about their spiritual path. they have a positive self esteem about themselves.
Moon and Saturn - do meditation etc. otherwise things will go heywire. whatever you getting in life is not good, somehow no satisfaction. mantra related to shani maharaj. Do manrtra related to Sahni, giving donation to poor people .
if sat in 7th, kendras wil always have aspect on the houses
Saturn in 2nd, 5th and 11th, they wil have to work very hard for money. kendra from saturn are not pushed. You will have to work very hard. There is no subsitute to hardwork.