Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Jupiter Transit 2019

The transit of Jupiter in October 2018 is one of the best transits as Jupiter is entering in its friend i.e. Mangal Rashi. Jupiter and Rahu will mutually aspect each other resulting in Jupiter Minimising the effects of Rahu in Cancer.

Cancer is one Rashi where Jupiter is exalted and lord of cancer is Moon. Rahu sitting in Moon’s house makes thinking of a person cloudy. Moon is our mind and Rahu sitting in moon’s house confuses the brain, creates an illusion, hallucinations and all. So now Jupiter aspecting cancer will definitely keep a check on Rahu!

As Scorpio is a sign of secrets, passion, deep thinking, intimacy and is very competitive, Jupiter transit will multiply the effects! Love and romance will bloom for few, whereas researchers will attain what they were aiming for very long.

Overall a good transit paving the way next year when Jupiter moves in its very own “Sagitarrius”!

Jupiter own sign Sagittarius element is Fiery,(Triplicity Ruler ship) while Scorpio is Watery. but Jupiter and (signlord ) Mars are friends ( However the transit may lead to natural calamities like flood, heavy rains etc in general and some volcanic or plate techtonic activity in far east countries like Japan , China sea,Western Australia , Gaum, Western coast of America.
Fellows having Aries ,Gemini, Virgo plus Sagittarius as Moon sign is likely to experience slight turbulence with the transit.
Those who got Moon sign as Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn & Pisces may experience this transit useful and effective .

And those born in Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius get mixed out comes.

Jupiter will rush through the sign of Scorpio. 

Enter Sagittarius on March 29th 2019. - April 22nd

  • It becomes retrograde on April 10th, 2019, while being in Sagittarius. 

Jupiter will reenter Scorpio on April 23rd and will remain in Gandanta Sandhi for an extended period. 

15th march  to May 8th in gandanta

Jupiter will become direct on August 11th, 2019.

31st October to 4th November - Gandanta

  • last gandanta in 31st oct to nov 4th and then it goes to Moola nakshtra

Gandanta degrees:

 29 degrees Scorpio to 0 degrees Sagittarius,

The exact lunar transit in one kāla (90min) is 0°50’ arc. The Abhukta Mūla doṣa portion of water signs is at 29°10’ to 30°00’ while in the fire signs it is in the beginning at 0°00’ to 0°50’.
last two Ghatikas of Jyeshtha and first two Ghatikas of Mula are known, as Nakshatr Gandanta.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Muhurat for Journey

Journeys. – The best lunar days are the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th and 13th. The 14th lunar day and Full and New Moon days should be avoided at any cost.

If a journey is undertaken in the following constellations, the person is supposed to return back early after satisfactorily completing his work: Mrigasira, Aswini, Pushya, Punarvasu, Hasta, Anuradha, Sravana, Moola, Dhanishta and Revati. It is better that the journey is commenced in the 2nd, 3rd or last quarter of the constellation. The first quarter may be avoided as far as possible.

No journey should be undertaken on days ruled by Krittika, Bharani. Aslesha. Visakha, Pubba, Poorvabhadra and Aridra. Of these, the following nakshatras may be deemed fit for travelling beyond the spheres of evil influence: – Krittika – 13 ghatis; Bharani – 7; Makha – 14; Pubba, Poorvashadha and Poorvabhadra – 16; Swati, Aslesha and Visakha – 14. In our humble experience, it is found that Bharani and Krittika should always be avoided while the other stars given in this paragraph, journeys can be undertaken in.

Bharani and Krittika should be invariably rejected.

Do not travel towards the East on Saturday and Monday; towards South on Thursday; towards West on Sunday and Friday and towards North on Wednesday and Tuesday. Provided the journey is timed to begin beyond 22 ghatis on Thursday, 12 ghatis on Tuesday and Wednesday; 15 ghatis on Frion Friday and Sunday, 8 ghatis on Saturday and Monday, the above restriction does not hold good. In our view, Tuesday must preferably be avoided.

Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra and Sagittarius are favourable signs for starting on a journey.
Rising sign at the time of journey being one’s Janma Rasi is highly favoured. But it should never be the sign of one’s Janma Lagna. Journey should not also be undertaken when the Lagna is the 5th, 7th or the 9th from one’s Janma Lagna.

Let Jupiter or Venus be well placed in Lagna at the time of starting. This makes the journey successful.
Therefore, readers would do well to restrict the choice of a day to considerations already set forth above. It must be noted that strict adherence to the astrological rules is impossible at times of emergency. Supposing a friend or relative is seriously ill and he is to be visited. There is no question of finding an auspicious date and time. 

The best thing to do is to begin the journey at the most auspicious hora of the day. If one is to go on a pilgrimage or on a pleasure trip or on business, arrangements for Which could be made in advance, a day conforming to all astrological considerations should be fixed. 

The most essential factors to be remembered in selecting a suitable day for travel are (a) a good lunar day, (b) a favourable constellation, (c) a well-fortified Lagna and (d) the absence of Panchaka Dosha. If these are properly observed, that means alt astrological precautions will have been taken.

The following general combinations would be of utmost importance to the average person: –
(1) let the Moon be strong and dignified at the time of starting.
(2) Avoid days of vernal and autumnal equinox and the days on which the Sun enters a new sign every month.
(3) The Moon should be in the 3rd, 6th, 9th or 12th and Jupiter in a kendra from Lagna.
(4) Start when the Moon is in Lagna fortified by the disposition of Jupiter or Venus in a kendra.
5) Jupiter strong in Lagna and the Moon in any place other than the 8th would be a strong combination.
(6) The journey will be easy and peaceful if the Moon be in the 7th and Venus and Mercury be in the 4th.
(7) Mercury in the 4th, Jupiter in the 2nd or 7th will neutralise all the other adverse influences.
(8) Benefics dignified in kendras of trikonas act as powerful antidotes for all evils.
(9) Jupiter in Lagna, malefics in Upachayas and Venus in any house other than the 7th would be an ideal combinations.
Short Journeys. – Render the Lagna and the Moon strong. If these two conditions cannot be fulfilled, start in the hora of the strongest planet keeping in view the Tarabala and Chandrabala factors.
Long-distance Journeys. – All the rules given in the earlier pages of this Chapter are to be observed. Let the Moon be increasing and in a favourable situation so that there might be no delay or hindrance. Pay special attention to the eighth house and see that Mars is not there. Choose a day and time in which the Yatra Lagna agrees with the Janma Rasi. Avoid malefics in the 7th. If the journey is by car or train, avoid affliction to Lagna and the 8th lord by Mars and Rahu. If the Lagna is afflicted by Mars, there will be danger of accidents; if by Rahu, there will be disappointment and disease.
Air Journeys. – Take due note of Tarabala. Let the Lagna be an aerial sign. Avoid Mars in Lagna, the 7th and the 8th. Let the Moon be waxing and as far away from Rahu as possible. Render the ascendant strong by a suitable disposition of Jupiter.
Business Journeys. – If you are to meet an influential person, let the rising sign fall in the 10th house in birth chart. Avoid malefics in Lagna and the 9th. Mercury is the planet of trade and business. He should therefore be either in Lagna or in the 10th or 11th but he should not be aspected by a malefic especially Saturn. Mercury in retrograde is also favourable as he will hasten the transaction to your satisfaction. Prosperity and success follow the Moon in good aspect to Mercury. If the Moon is in 8th or 12th house, the person falls ill on the way. Hence see that the Moon is in favourable position. See also that the 2nd lord is not afflicted and that he is favourably situated. In all these cases, mutual aspects between Mars, Saturn and Rahu should be invariably avoided as they indicate hitches and insurmountable obstacles.

Dental Treatment. – The Ugra yoga above referred to is quite suitable for dental treatment also. See that the Moon is not afflicted and that Chandrashtama is also avoided.

Surgical Operations. – When possible, operate in the period of the intrease of the Moon. Never operate at the exact time of the Full Moon as the bodily fluids are running highest then. Let not the Moon at the time of the operation be in the same sign as at birth. No Operation should be done on the part of the body ruled by the sign through which the Moon is transiting at that time but wait a day or more until the Moon passes into the next sign below, and especially, if the Moon be in conjunction, or evil aspect to malefics at the time.
For surgical operations Tuesday or Saturday is recommended. Mars must be powerful. The 8th house should be unoccupied. And the ruling constellation is Aridra, Jyeshta. Aslesha or Moola coinciding with the 4th, 9th or 14th lunar day. It is very necessary to strengthen the house ruling the part of the body to be operated upon. This if the stomach is to be operated upon, the time selected should be such as to render the 5th house strong by benefic aspects. Mutual aspects between Mars and Saturn should be avoided.

According to Sage Bharadwaja a fully flawless Muhurtha is unthinkable for years. Therefore, fix up an auspicious time, with less doshas and more gunas. Even sage Narada says: Avoiding heavy afflictions (mahadoshas), and considering the ordinary gunas and doshas, fix an auspicious time with more gunas. That moment proves auspicious.
In Muhurtha, the pride of place is always given to Nakshatra. Vara and Tithi. The other two limbs whilst no doubt important in their own way are in actual practice of secondary value.
Tuesday and Saturday are invariably bad for all auspicious works. There are certain exceptions for this general rule. For instance, Tuesday is good for surgical operations.
Concluding Remarks
Muhurtha is not the penance for all the ills afflicting a horoscope. Muhurtha or an auspicious moment can neutralise to a certain extent the afflictions existing in a birth chart as affecting the various events. If marital harmony is completely absent in a birth chart, Muhurtha cannot confer on the native marital harmony. It reduces the sources of friction to a certain extent.
Of the different limbs of the panchanga, viz., tithi, vara, nakshatra, yoga and karana, the nakshatra is very important. If suppose for a marriage, the tithi is the 6th and the nakshatra is Sadhana, then the day can be selected. This is the view of sage Brihaspati and hence acceptable to the other sages. But even if other factors such as tithi, nakshatra. etc., are defective, a strong Lagna can neutralise such defects. This is the view of Narada and we concur with this view. But recourse should be had to this contingency only under special circumstances, e.g., when a Muhurtha is to be fixed, say for accommodating a bridegroom coming from a foreign country, who has to get back quickly.
Jupiter should be rendered strong for marriage; Venus for travel; Mercury for learning; Mars for war, fighting; the Sun for meeting with the rulers, government officers, etc., and the Moon in respect of all elections.
Abhijin Muhurtha (midday) could be fixed for all elections, in case a really auspicious time is not available. Add half duration of the day to sunrise and the Abhijin Muhurtha is obtained. Suppose sunrise is at 6:10 a.m. (IST) and sunset 6-45 p.m. The interval is 12 hours 30 minutes. Half this, viz., 6 hours 15 minutes added to time of sunrise, viz., 6:10 (IST) gives the Abhijin Muhurtha as 6 hours 10 minutes + 6 hours 15 minutes = 12 hours 25 minutes.
Jupiter or Venus is in conjunction with the ascendant or at least in a kendra or the trine so that all doshas are rendered infructuous.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Ayurveda Tips for new year

It’s the new year and we habitually set New Year’s resolutions. Quite often, at least one resolution involves our health. Ayurveda teaches us to live in harmony with our environment and thus have healthier lives. The following are ten simple Ayurvedic health tips to implement for a more fulfilling new year.
1. Use a tongue cleaner. Did you know that each part of the tongue is connected to a bodily organ? Thus utilizing a tongue cleaner removes the toxins which have accumulated overnight and stimulates the organs in the morning, so that they function more optimally. Upon rising, brush your teeth and scrape your tongue, before ingesting anything. A stainless steel tongue scraper is good for all three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.  Kapha people can also use copper tongue cleaners.
2. Gargle with sesame oil. To strengthen the teeth and gums, to help with TMJ, and deter from the appearance of wrinkles, swish some herbal mouthwasharound in your mouth for 5-10 minutes. Do so after you brush your teeth and scrape your tongue. After swishing the oil around, you can spit it out. Massaging your gums afterwards will be even more beneficial
3. Add turmeric to your diet. Turmeric is one of the most healing spices in your pantry. It’s anti-bacterial, a blood purifier, as well as a great digestive, among many other qualities. You can start the day (after brushing your teeth and scraping your tongue) by having a glass of warm water with ½ – 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder. You can utilize turmeric when cooking your vegetables or lentils.  Turmeric is also available in tablet and tincture form.
4. Oil massage. Are you plagued by constant dryness? Rather than looking for the best moisturizer on the market, address the cause internally. The dryness is inside the body, and that is where it needs to be alleviated. Doing an oil massage, or abhyanga, and then taking a warm shower allows the oil to penetrate into the skin and help relieve the dryness inside. For oil massage, those with a Vata imbalance can use sesame oil, those with a Pitta imbalance can use sunflower oil or coconut oil, and people with a Kapha imbalance may use sesame oil or sunflower oil.  Make sure you use a bath mat, as the tub and shower get slippery with the oil.  An injury could really aggravate the doshas!
5. Pranayama. Looking for more vitality? Are you a shallower breather? Do you get nasal congestion easily? Do you want to learn some simple methods to cool down or warm up? If the answer to any of the previous questions is yes, then add some pranayama or breathing exercises to your daily routine. There are various types of pranayama which have a multitude of health benefits and keep your lungs healthy. My Ayurvedic teacher, Dr. Vasant Lad, has a very informative dvd, which anyone can follow.  The appropriate use of each technique is also discussed.
6. Eat when hungry. Ayurveda advises that we listen to our body and eat when we are hungry, and not just for the sake of social graces. On the other end of the spectrum, Ayurveda also stresses that we should not suppress our natural urges, including the need for food. Don’t get so caught up in your busy lifestyle that you forget or neglect to nourish your body!
7. Avoid frozen foods – it’s a medical fact that anything below our body temperature constricts our capillaries. The body goes into an initial shock, similar to when we jump into a pool. When the capillaries constrict, it’s more difficult for nutrients to proper flow through our body. Thus, assimilation, absorption, and digestion is impaired. Cold increases Vata dosha.
8.  Avoid leftovers. According to Ayurveda, anything over 24 hours old loses its prana (also known as chi, or life force).  Microwaving kills the prana immediately. Thus, Ayurveda advocates eating freshly prepared food. If  you are what you eat, then wouldn’t you rather be a nourishing warm meal than a cold leftover? Resolve to start cooking more. There are plenty of simple recipes which can take 15 minutes or less to prepare.
Ayurvedic health tips 9. Follow a regular schedule. A key Ayurvedic health tip to allow the body to live in harmony with nature is to create natural cycles within the body. This includes having the same times daily for rising, eating, sleeping, exercising, working, etc. The more that we honor the cycles of time and allow our body to acclimate to them, the more our body will be able to support us. Keeping erratic schedules deranges Vata dosha.
10. Learn the best foods for your current constitutional balance and eat accordingly. One of the best Ayurvedic health tips is to eat right for your current constitutional type, or your vikruti.  If you eat what your body needs, rather than what your mind craves, you are on the road to more vitality and improved health. This simple free quizi is a good start.  A personalized Ayurvedic health consultation will provide you with additional guidance about how to best structure your diet, lifestyle, and daily routine. Then you can truly keep your New Year’s resolution regarding good health.
*** copied from elsewhere

Timing of January 2019 total lunar eclipse - Jan 20, 2019 in USA

Those who reside in regions where the January, 2019 total lunar eclipse is visible need to be vigilant about their activities. This is particularly so if you have planets natally placed in Pushya (particularly your ascendant, Moon, or Rahu) or are in a planetary cycle of Moon or Rahu. If the eclipse is not visible in your area, then be mindful, but it’s fine partake in your normal activities.

According to NASA, the January, 2019 total lunar eclipse in NJ is  from 
Maximum: Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 12:12 am 1.20 Magnitude
Ends: Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 2:48 am

The total phase of this total lunar eclipse will be visible from North and South America, and western parts of Europe and Africa. Central and eastern Africa, Europe, and Asia will see a partial eclipse of the Moon. This eclipse is not visible in India
 “The eclipses affect our mind and and our physical body. The scriptures state that eclipses create financial or physical problems and sometimes new diseases. There can also be natural disasters around the time of an eclipse. This is why people should not look at the eclipse.”

Lunar eclipses are always emotional times as the Moon, the mind is being eclipsed. Mercury is also involved in this eclipse as it is close to Ketu. We need to be careful regarding the choices we make. Our thinking is confused, and we may not be clear headed. This is the last eclipse of Cancer. If you have planets in early degrees of Cancer, then this eclipse can impact you most. Cancer Capricorn is facing changes in life, this is the last part of the 18-month cycle and will make the final changes. Be flexible and open.

Usually, the lunar eclipse gives immediate results and can trigger situations in life. It can reveal scandals or hidden information but unlike the solar eclipse, it will give instant results.

The lunar eclipse is a powerful time for meditation, contemplation, prayers, mantras, japa and other spiritual practices. It is wise to spiritually look within.

This is not a favorable time to make any important decisions such as job change, marriage, moving into a new home, high value purchases, investments etc.

5 planets (Moon, Rahu, Mars, Jupiter, Venus) will be in water sign during the eclipse. Water represent emotions, so e aware of heightened emotional tides. it is best to be patient and avoid expressing yourself.

Since Pushya nakhshtra where Rahu and Moon reside on eclipse day governs food products, be extremely careful of what you eat. Since most planets are in watery sign, be aware of water related problems, avoid water related adventure during the period.

Vedic recommendations for the January, 2019 total lunar eclipse:

  1. Do not look at the eclipse. Stay inside for the duration of the eclipse and close your blinds.
  2.  Bathe before and after the eclipse
  3.  Ideally do not eat 12 hours before the eclipse (or at least do not eat during the eclipse).
  4. Do not drink anything 3 hours before a lunar eclipse or during the eclipse.
  5. Focus on your mantra during this eclipse. If you do not have a mantra, then chant “Om”.
    1. Mantra chanting – I cannot stress the importance of this. Pushya nakshatra is ruled by the divine priest Brihaspati, so mantra chanting and Japa are extremely powerful during this time.
    2. If you have had the interest to learn new mantras or shlokas or spiritual scriptures this is the best day to start.
  6. Do not expose food to the rays of the Sun or Moon during the eclipse.
  7. Be of service or volunteer near the day of the eclipse (but not during the timing of the visible eclipse). You can also perform some charitable act that day.
  8. Embrace, nourish and take care of people around you especially close family members and most importantly your mother.
  9. The work you do during this period will bring results slowly but surely – Sun is in Uttara Ashada nakshatra which means “latter victory”. So be patient and perseverant.
  10. Do not jump into anything new without careful consideration of the future consequences.
  11. The energy of the day will inspire you to stand up for what is right and true, but since there is an eclipse happening to be doubly sure of what you hear and what you see. Be more alert and aware as your perceptions may not be right.
  12. Avoid beginning new projects 3 days prior to the eclipse and 3 days after that
  13. Meditation, Mantra Chanting and other spiritual rituals will give you multifold results when done during this period.
  14. Listen to or Chant the Ganapathi Atharvasirsha as many times as you can especially during the eclipse time.
  15. Once the eclipse is over, offer flowers to the divine as the flower is one of the symbols of Pushya Nakshatra.

The mantra for eclipse is 

Om Shri Pushyami Nakshatra Devataye Namah.
Since the lunar eclipse happens at night, you can easily follow many of the recommendations for the January, 2019 total lunar eclipse. For pregnant women, children, the elderly, and those with medical problems, they do not have to strictly adhere to the non-eating or drinking guidelines, but should prioritize their health.
Eclipses are excellent for people like you and me because their gravitational effects multiply the effect of our sadhana. If you do one hundred repetitions of your mantra during an eclipse it is like doing one hundred thousand repetitions on an ordinary day. If you offer one oblation into the fire it is like a thousand oblations. And nothing beats this time for offering prayers and performing rites for your deceased ancestors."

Friday, December 21, 2018

Jupiter in Jyestha Nakhstra

27th December in Jyestha and it will stay there until the end of its transit in Scorpio

Jupiteris very comfortable in Jyesha and scorpio. he is guru to deva; satvik qualities. it gives ius right advice and askng us to develop thesatvik nature.

27th december goes into Jyesha and will remain their until 4th November.

There is short period when he retrogrades

Very interesting things

gandanta we need to watch, 3 times it is going to transit.

Jyestha is elder ones, someone. Devata is Indra, he fought the asura and win over it. mastery for ourselves
Another message is goddess is alakshmi (elder sister of Lakshmi), she gives misfortune to those who follow adharma. there are many temples in south india dediactaed to Alakshmi.

no hard conjunction for this transit. no rahu no Saturn. There will be a mercury till 31st december and then Venus will come to Scorpio. Venus leaves Jupiter on 29th Jan.

Jupiter is there on his own. Conjunction has frction.

There i long gandhanta in march april. 15th of March, it goes into gandanta. It is unsettled energy, karmic energy. Gandanta point are necessaty for self movement. It is good to make not to decision during gandanta points
29th it will move to Sag gandanta . Upto end of March, jyestha direct, then it is going to retrograde 22nd to nov 4th.

now to march it is direct
Ret energy in April and till Aug
Jyestha will be forward and backward. we are learnign the lesson of Jyestha

last gandanta in 31st oct to nov 4th and then it goes to Moola nakshtra

You can also look at the pada.

Remember it is a +ve transit.


Sag it is in 12th house, u need to master ur weekness. need to careful how u spoend money

asc or moon in jyestha , u will be in good time. Enjoy that. this is a good time

Gandanata is unsettled energy

15th march - 5th may

Imprive yourself.

Guru is on his own and this is a good year.

Mercury in Sagittarius 31 December to 20th January

Mercury in Sagittarius
This is quite a complex transit, new year will be with this transit
Secret of Mercury, is is easily influencable planet, conjoin with saturn and slowly and slowly become to get transit

Mercury represent out rational thinking, analytical thinking and communication

In a year there are six combusion and on of them is in Janury

Mercury is going over to the gandanta. Dec 31st is no man's land. it is going to release some energy, and it always release some wrong energy.

Careful about any decision during this time. Are we

Eclipse on 5th and 6th January. Me is going to be Moola nakshtra but eclipse on Purva Ashadha. But it is going to be in teh same sign.

From 5th onwards it slowly gets combust (getting behind sun). You may start getting angry, be careful and get burned. Other people may impose ideas on you. be careful. Combustion Jan 5th goes into slowly almost to the end of Janury. Exact combusion is when Mercury  in caricorn.

If you are gemini and virgo, make sure that people are not bullying you.

make sure that you are not overdoing.

Me and Saturn conjuction happens one a year. 13th of Jan. it is quite stressful. it is like a war like situation. Sometimes it can bring negative energy. all of 13th jan  Mercuty is war. Sometimes communication is not working or computers are not working. Small irritation may happen.

Me is combust and its speed is quickning. each Nashtra, it is going through quickly

Me transit to three Nakshtra
 Moola (deitty is Nritti) lord is Ketu. We want to get to root of the matter and get rid of things. It is good time to study jyotish and go deep into things. 31st to 9th Jan 10 days long.

9 to 18th Jan, a lot of drama is taking place. Cross over the eclipse point. There could be unsetltled energy. Sa/Me conjuction may encounter some objection. People may block your ideas. Do not worry about it
Purva Ashadha (lord is apah)

18th to 20th: 2 days it will be in uttara ashadha. it will be virgottma. Very powerful but getting combust. Your ideas may be coming fast, you just let them flow. Bring some simplicity in your life.

it will last in Uttar Ashadha until 26th

All of this affects you. What house it is transitng. Look at Lagna lord and see if it is Gemini and Virgo, look after yourself. For Gemini it is about the 7th house. There are some areas that may have unsettling but do not

Virgo may like to have 4th house issues. they may be dealing with some home issues.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Taurus Chart

class notes:

We have sensory experience what this is animal like, and then make anymaan and what these people are like.
Shashtra also give alternate name. Uksha is another name. gokula and other various names.
Sometimes when you go to dictionary, they do derivation of what this mean.
Part of this whole study, seeing the word, seeing through the word, seeing all the implication of the word.

Let us try the approach with Bull Vrishbha

How is it different from Ram, symbol of Aries?

Bull is more grounded and nose to the ground

What does RAM do after breeding? Leave
Bulls breed, but they maintain the herd, and stays to protect what they produce

It is the second bhava, what is the primary concern

Wealth, family is extremely important to them
 One of the altnate meaning is uksha, meaning seed, sprinkling water, gives broader sense of fertility, fertile in terms of growing thing

Someone for who is protector, what is the name? Poshika
Krishna was a universal protector he is Ta rising

Bulls are not monagamous, herd consist of cows and calfs and one bull. Bull maintains a cows. Maintaining a large family, real emphasis on family

If you look at the constellation of Ta, anything noticeable? It is good to look up in the night sky. Is it easy to recognize constellation? Anymarkers easy to see? Very large and very prominent, contains Pladius and recognizable, the eye of the bull is very bright
The rich man's house is well lit

Idea of bright star and second bhava implies jewels, sparkling eyes, face

One of ta, ears, seeing , smelling and tasting (except touch) is indicated by 2nd bhava. Putting it togther, means that they are living through senses. Ta natives very much home and very much guided by senses. Tattva of prithavi, contains all element. All the senses are there.

2nd bhava implies speech and voice and knowledge learning. Ta means connecton with others

Let us move to structure of the chart

This is the lagna owns by natural benefic that Is primary. Naisargica, the lord of the lagna is benefic, different from aris and scorpio

Shubh yoga when lagna is in lagna
Stabalize the lagna, if no destabalization, we get chamar yoga

What you see is what you get? Gola – pratyaksha. Astronomical relations are important
Venus in lagna
For venus to shine in lagna, sun should be in 3rd and 2nd house

Me  could be in sambhandha all of three, two out to three. Some raj youga and dhan yoga involved.
Me in

Sun in lagna will bring more raj yoga

Moon with Ve is also raja yoga

Moon is exalted and venus is shining, it will be very showing. Moon owns the 3rd house and Venus is Malvya and arts is going to be huge theme. It will not be a brilliant moon, cause Sun will be hanging around. But this lagna will still be a show. Very showy lagna

Venus is a good life, it can be an indulgent life.
When Venus is week (not good), fixed earth, you get laziness and vanity. Mars is aggressive…overrun by partner

Deha sukh bhoga, being comfortable in their body, enjoying food, high quality food, jewellary. Second house is Venus in 1st house, their speech is very charming and inviting, pursuading, they do not confront. They get it done, pursuasive and charming way. Lagna lord is in Lagna, they will get it done, they create deha, sukha bhoga, inviting, charming (not always Kritika)

Bhuja vikarmi – they take care of their body, they may do yoga, very well proportioned, sculpted body, bending people to their will. Having an ability to bring people togther. Radiant in good way (provided the venus Is not exaggerated)

Manasvini – Any combination of Mercury will make this, possibility of Me makes intelligent. Bull maintains the herd, he is being a large animal is preeminant

Chanchala – Venus itself has a flexibility, it enables, it wants to harmonize

Dvibharyo – what is similar with scoripo? Mars/venus one and seven, one rules 1 and 6th and other 1 and 12, relationship

Taurus is the earthy sign and symbol is Bull, an animal known for its strength and hardworker. Ta is a fixed earth, stable, non moving, stubborn, fixed quality

Its lord is Venus and rules both the lagna and 6th house.

Earthly people, inclined towards making money, very much grounded and practical in life. Very caring, strong, determine, ambitious

Having a rulership of 6th house, these people have their own share of enemies and have a special relationship with diet/food, health,  and also with servants and employees.

Materialistic tendency is reinforced as Venus exalts in the 11th house of gains

Very caring and sensitive, ruler of the chart, also the ruler of 6th house, being strong, determined and ambitious , peaceful and calm but also

Second house and Fivth house:

Mercury rules the second house of family, assets and wealth and fivth house of discernment, viveka, judement

They use their mind to acquire money

They may feel a lot of frustration in family communication as Gemini is a dual sign and family may keep on changing their mind. But Ta, wants to stick to their decision. The level of frustration would depend on the condition of mercury.

They may have a very structured way of raising children

Third House:

Moon rules the third house of sibling. They may have sensitive and moody brother/sisters

Fourth house:

Sun is ruling the 4th house, they take over the family business, They may like to work with real estate or property. They have an independent career oriented mother

Seventh house - Marriage

Their relationship are very spicy. Mars rules the 7th house of marriage and also the 12th house of loss. They may experience loss through relationship and partnership. They get drawn to the partners who are fiery, romantic and emotional (scorpio) and Ta are practical and balanced. marriage becomes a compromise for them.

Ninth and tenth house:

Saturn is the Yoga karka planet, and will provide auspicious results in its dasha and bhukti.

Saturn being the 9th lord, their education tends to be practical and about business. Their long distance travel tends to be for business purposes.

They are mostly attached to the father then mother due to 4th house is also ruled by Sun.

They may have good teachers in their life and they may look upto their father

Eighth and twelfth house:

Jupiter rules the  malefic houses  (8th and 11th), and therefore becomes the functional malefic . Over the top and excessive

Fixed Sign, second sign of zodiac

Three Nakshatra– Kritika, Rohini, Mrigashira.

Taurus Rising between 0° to 10°  are Krittika Nakshstra of Sun, deity agni

Taurus Rising between 10° to 23°.are Rohini Nakshtra of Moon

Taurus Rising between 23°.20’ to 30° are Mrigshira of Mars

venus ruling also 6th, auspecisuojs 

Me wealth and 5th
Sat - yoga karaka extremely ausp

Moon 3rd lord
sun is neutral
mars is inauspecious
jupiter is inaupecious

Sunday, December 16, 2018

2019 major transits

As most of you know, 2019 is said to be a challenging year by astrologers who have made a lot of videos available on youtube. This is not a post that will explain these transits in detail, 
The 4 most intense transits that we have to deal with and work with are
  1. Saturn – Ketu Conjunction
  2. Rahu Ketu axis change to Gemini / Sagittarius
  3. Jupiter in Gandanta
  4. Saturn Ketu Oppose Mars Rahu
We should avoid the difficult time and focus on good time.
Remedy to Lord Shiva, personal deity
not afraid but be cautious
Need to take a look at Dasha. If your lagna lord is involved in transit, then you need to be extra careful with the energy

The key transits of 2019

To be adjusted for NJ

Planets are complex, Sun saturn conjunction until 15th Januey. It is exact on 1st january, it can be thrash, leo, capricorn and aquarious, it is not a easy day for you. Then it is immediately followed by eclipse. 6th Jan is partial eclipse, general emotuons are very raw, cancer and capricorn be careful. to be concious of aware of this energy. 21st jan in cancer, these are disturbed energy, gemini

Jupiter is in scorpio, it is a good thing. 1st Jan is going to be in scorpio, the two gurus will be togther; you will find dispute and disagreement, it is quite nice, scorpio, pisces and cancer. even for aq in 1oth, and Jupiter is in parivaryana with mars. two gurus conflict 
watch out on 20th and 21st when they are in war

Me is another planet to watch this month. Me begins in Sag and has conjunction on 17th Ketu, move into capricorn and part of the lunar eclipse, mental mind is unsettled 
 29th Jan is exacly combust, feels like gemini/virgo burn out, need to let and not always worrying 

Not a good time to make major deicion. nothing extra ordinary usual. think about where to be cautions
  1. Sun-Saturn conjunction – Jan 1, 2019
    1. saturn is going to be combust. what should we be doing? first thing  is conjunction sun and saturn transit; sun represent what we want to do in life (ego identification), saturn is grounded. When they get conjunct, it is difficult, our ego gets connected with reality. there is a purpose, hope, desire, aspirations. Sun shows the best that we can do in our life. when sun and saturn comes close, what we want to do, or we may have aspirations to have wealth, but we may not get. this material world is the place of dukhalaya, place of misery, if u see in astrology, power of planets on malefic is much higher, sun is mild malefic, saturn, rahu, ketu adn mars are malefic. benefics, venus nd jupiter, moon and mercury behave conditionally. In a day, if u divide your time, 1/5, only 20% of time is happy and remaining 80% miserable. either you not getting payment, having fight with your spouse or boss. When sun and saturn comes togther, too many setbacks and delays in the world. Those who take shelter in me, this imaterial nature, my maya it is very difficult to overcome, one who takes shelter in me will cross the maya. so those people who are not spiritual (not having spiritual practices, going out having fun), for these people, when sun and saturn becomes heavy with them. Negativity doesn't come, it reveals, that is sun throwing light on saturn, showing so many difficulties. If you are ignoring tings, start doing it. Look at what chart saturn is ruling the house and start doing it. We will start feeling the heat, difficulties are effecting me more and more. so now is the time, we work on our weekness, we will be able to see what are limitations are, sun will show that these are things that have failed. Our ego is smashed, we actually realize where we should be, there are important decisions that we need to make. Saturn will be severally combust, and sun will meet satuen, issues will eep piling, you will feel irritated and overwhelming and you will try to escape from  me. We might not be able to face the realities, we should face what we can do and what we can't do. After Jan 15th, it will leave sag and go to capricorn. On jan1 and 2nd, you will realize your strength and weekness. After jan 2nd, u will realize these are my weekensses and then after Jan 3rd, okay this was already there. There is a purification going on, like gold will shine more and more, sometimes u need to shine your saturn also, if u don't shine it, u will not find your weekeneses. This is happening in sag, in purva aashadha, this will start on dec 28th and dec 29. As nenw year starts, you will realize. there is nothing to panic, there is no new problem.
    2. dhanu rashi deals with hopes wishes, sag is voice inside you don't do bad thing, be good. our greatness will be impacted; should i indulge in this or not. If u can say no to the templation, gemini is 3rd, house of prostition, sag fights, sag is sign of guru, rahu gets exalted in gemini, 8th from 8th. gemini is higher octu of scorpio. Now when sun is transiting sag, great time to do spritul practive, sun s surya narayan, visit holy place, when we get there, just don't click photo, sit there with guru.
    3. Sun will come and show u the principle and saturn will test you. see what's happen in dasha.

  2. Partial Solar Eclipse – Jan 5, 6, 2019
    1. devotional potential, selfless devotion, blinless faith, political views, our own faith, bring in question what you belive and how much you put in practice and Mercury joins, communiation, speech and discrimination brings. Main thme centers around Sag, Jp, guru who brins sense of purpose and hope in life, brings sense of purpose. Sag is about direction, purpose and where we going based on your beleive. Whats ur philosophy on life. Jupiter's nature is dispose to get what  you want to get. I want to lead to live a happy life and take care of children and will give you what you want but not necessary spritual. How many people do u know are spritual? Jp is still giver and gives you hope and at time abandon you and disapointment to you. Sag is that sign where Jp can be disappointing. Ketu is going to move to Sag and will stay there for more than 18 months. Eclipse happening sun and moon while Ketu is still in cap, the trjectory of where you going, u may feel crisis on where u going? I do not know where I am going. It will be important to knoqw whre you going, where we focused and saturn is consequnces of your actions, so we feel tha tpressure that get this right. Eclipse will explode and get clear our commitment and align to higher purpose and meaningful. Mars and JP exchange, and quite a bit of grace due to emotional courage to do that.
    2. oportunity to ge tsunch  to where u going especualy higher purpose, and Satuen there brining pressure.
    3. Nakshtra of Purva ashadah bringgs  moola seeds which is whwe we plant seed in mula and purva ashadha we cultivate the seed, deity of ocean shows early victory in life, uttat ashda is later victory. early victory will be where the eclipse will be. things that u have grown and u became victorious, it has something very bid successful nd how much how much hope satisfaction tha thas given you, sense of hope and purpose that come fro =m nurturiing that u get, example is child, when child comes, u nurture it and then grows poerful and then later vicory is guarantted. the whole principle of devoted and nurtuting is pays greast divident. You need to pay attention to whhat u devoted to. Most of us are devoted, money, arguemtns (not devotion), upward spiral of devotion and suffereing that u will feel if you do not have a purpose.
This eclipse will be very transformative for you as it relates to ur teacher guru and higher purpose in life. The next elipse will occur. You need to commit to what inspires you. Mercury also brings communicaiton humor and overal it is a good position. Nodes will be very spritual and elevated for next 2019.
  1. Total Lunar Eclipse – Jan 20, 21, 2019, full moon, Paush Poornima
    2. Local Type: Total Lunar Eclipse, in Denville
      Maximum: Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 12:12 am 1.20 Magnitude
      Ends: Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 2:48 am
    3. event take place immediately. Event may take place same day and close to the date. This eclipse has moon with Rahu and Me is also involved in this eclipse. Mind is very unsettled around this time. Take some balancing action. Eclipse taking place in pushya
    4. not a good date to get married or do major purchase
  2. Venus – Saturn conjunction –  Feb 10 to Feb 18, 2019
  3. Venus – Ketu Conjunction – Feb 24, 2019
  4. Mercury Debilitated in Pisces – Feb 24, 2018
  5. Rahu/Ketu change signs too Gemini / Sagittarius – March 6th, 2019
    1. Mean node on  Ketu March 6th moves to Sag.  Saturn is always there. Ketu trvels back
  6. Saturn Retrograde and conjunction with Ketu- April 30, 2019
    1. It stays until 19th October
    2. Saturn is Kama must do, Ketu is moksha karaka, and forces us to give up everything. Do all your responsibility. Ketu is also the planet of past life. Some past issues (about releatived/family issues) and will be very interested in resolving them. Depending on where the sag is in your chart.
    3. Ketu is spritulity and Sag is the sign of Spritulaity and why not uplift.
    4. Ketu is also for Jyotish, perhaps learn more about Jyotish
    5. Whenever the transit is difficult, try to finish your project. Your doing your karma
    6. Not a good time to expand yourself, be careful with your money
      1. Past life debt may come up
      2. If ur capricorn or Aqu, it is lagna lord and be careful

  7. Jupiter in Gandanta – March 15th to May 5th, 2019
    1. very rare to have such a long gandanta
    2. For Sag and Pisces, it is gandanta for you
    3. it is a bit more challenging around March through May
    4. Planet is taking over karmic points, it can untangle karmic story, it is unsettled time and take balancing time
  8. Jupiter retrograde 10 April 2019 to 11 August 2019

  9. Rahu and Mars oppose Ketu and Saturn – June 2019
    1. 14th June, very difficult day, mars come in Gemini. Together it can e crisis.
    2. Do not get into wrong time of arguments
    3. Gemini hosting Rahu and Mars
    4. sat/Ketu and Mars/Rahu very difficult energy
    5. Not to go in big crowd
    6. Domestically keep it cool
    7. Keeping life is simple, not reacting to situation. Awareness of this day and avoid traveling that day. Sometimes event do not happen that day, but is a trigger 
    8. If you are dealing with self restraints
  10. Total Solar Eclipse – July 2, 2019
  11. Partial Lunar Eclipse – July 16,17, 2019
    1. Guru Poornima
    2. Do honor our guru that day
    3. Ketu eclipse, we reject everything, more important your living an time immorial
    4. Ashad Poornima. It is last degree of cancer, the sun starts moving to the southerly course. Luner eclipse can trigger world energy. This eclipse is visible in India but not visible in USA/Canada
    5. Do not allow the emotions to get out of control
    6. People fast during the eclipse. Where it is visible, it is more intense for you
  12. 3 Mercury Retrogrades – March 5 – 28, 2019, July 7 – 31, 2019, October 31 – November 20, 2019
  13. Mars debilitated in the sign of cancer – June 22 to Aug 8, 2019
  14. Mars in Gandanta – Aug 6 to Aug 10, 2019
  15. Venus debilitated in Virgo –
  16. Annular Solar Eclipse – Dec 26, 2019

Timing of Getting job