Thursday, December 8, 2022

Shani Mahadasha

When i was reading articles about SHANI mahadasha on internet i came across very good article :-

it's little long but worth reading, Author written down practicle experiences and interviews of native who gone through SHANI mahadasha :- 


Shani is the supreme terrifier among the planets… If pleased, he will give you a Kingdom, but if irate, he will snatch everything away from you in a moment.” -The Greatness of Shani Disclaimer:  This is a generic guideline, a lot would depend on the Lagna and house placement of Shani in the chart. (I always say that one should look at the WHOLE chart, and then one should look at the chart as a WHOLE) “Shani tumhara paani nikalega” (Shani will squeeze you hard) I often tell my clients who face Shani Mahadasha. “Choice is yours, give him your sweat or your tears.” People often suggest offering oil and burning oil lamps in order to please Shani, my suggestion is offering SWEAT and burning MIDNIGHT OIL in order to please Shani.   If anyone asks me which is the most powerful of all planets, my answers is, Shani. I have seen a good Shani take the native to a good life all by himself despite many tough yogas in the chart. The problem is that for most people Shani.

1. Bhot Hard-The Chakki of Shani:

I often compare Shani dasha to a Chakki (old fashioned hand mill). It is slow and hard to to operate, takes a lot of effort to push it a little. You put in four fistful of grain, and you get one fistful of flour. The chakki is usually associated with prisoners who were often employed to do this hard labour (Jail ki chakki is a catchphrase-by the way Shani also rules prisons.) Everything takes long and hard and you almost never get full result of your efforts. Another way the “chakki” represents Shani is that the native is often “crushed” by it but in the end it brings out the best in him by transforming him totally.    

2. Shaney-Shaney: Delay and Denial:

Delay, frustration, and tough luck are often the theme. No desire is instantly approved, many are denied. If you are stuck in a line for something and the counter closes just before your turn, chances are that you are under a Shani period. Simple tasks like filling a form could take three trips. First time, the clerk may not be there, second time, the power might trip, at the third attempt printer might get stuck, you might have to beg and plead and even pull the paper out of the printer before you get it filled. You don’t live by your luck, you survive through your “sweat and tears” (a typical Shani phrase). Further problem comes with slow down of intellect.

3. No More Mr. Smarty Pants (Jupiter to Shani fall):

Do you know a good student, who is suddenly unable to clear his exams? Often some unlucky students find that they did well in school but find their intellect failed them during college. Apparently exhausted their Jupiter period during school and entered Shani period during college. Usually such people are stuck with something like a Government Job preparation or Chartered Accountant (CA) exams. While school during Jupiter dasha was a breeze, the new challenge feels insurmountable as their good luck and sharp mind desert them. They feel dull, confused and laboured. I often advise such individuals to take up at least a part-time job as that would make their Shani period a little tolerable. You have to SWEAT before Shani allows you to succeed. For an adult undergoing Shani dasha,“only studies and no work” is a bad idea. Shani likes WORKERS. So you have to work hard and earn some money, you can study in addition to it, Shani would be more pleased. You might find your results improve.

4. Just My Bad Luck-Depression and self doubt:

When all your attempts are frustrated, your mind slows down, and bad luck shadows you, one is naturally ailed by self-doubt and depression. Things just seem to go against you by default. Murphy’s Law, “anything that can go wrong, would” seems to apply to Shani Mahadasha natives. They are always on a fearful high alert, expecting things to go wrong, and they often do. I have seen Shani people be “pleasantly shocked” if something good happens. They are so used to tough times and bad days that they look at any good event with suspicion “How can a good thing happen to me, there must be a catch” is a general emotion.

5. Make it do, or Do without – Downsizing:

There is a feeling of having “less than needed” during the Shani Mahadasha. Suddenly the flow of funds, friends, luck, and all good things in life, is restricted. You get the “bare necessity” and any surplus is out of question. You have to stretch every penny, adhere to every budget, settle for cheaper, smaller, cruder things than you would like. I advise my clients to go minimalist before Shani forces them to.

6. Trust Deficit- Cynical and Judgemental:

Shani being the Supreme Judge, makes a person very judgemental during Shani Mahadasha. They are always trying to debate two sides of anything and anyone, thanks to their slow intellect it could take forever for them to make any decision. They are harsh on others and harsher on themselves. Reflecting the Shani attitude, they can be grumpy, cold, calculating, and cynical of everyone around them. Shani brings out truck load of “harsh realities” to the native, one of the lessons is not to trust people so easily.

7. Broken hearts and battered homes-Damaged Relationships:

Very few people are able to maintain good personal relationships in Shani Mahadasha. Shani being a Sanyasi, planet can make them feel detached from relationships. Add to this the judgemental grumpiness and cynicism, and we can see where this is going. While Shani usually makes the native obedient towards parents and other authority figures like teachers and bosses. However, friendships and particularly, the romantic relationships are almost always a disaster.  If Venus is affiliated, breakups and divorces are often seen. One-sided romances that end in a tragedy are frequently experienced (my heart goes out to the young people going through this time). I often advise my Shani Mahadasha clients to focus on career and spend maximum time at workplace and only minimum possible time at the home, and most of all, to go easy on their spouse or love interest.

8. What would people Say: Approval Seeking:

Shani likes to be praised and seeks approval from one and all. This is perhaps one area where he is more like Sun than Shiva. But there is a twist, Sun has enough self-confidence (bordering arrogance) to ignore, even ridicule lesser mortals who fail to appreciate his magnificence. However, when Shani doesn’t get others’ approval, he feels that it is his fault and he must be lacking at something. As usual, he tries really HARD to win the approval. Shani Mahadasha natives are often worried about “What would people think”. They can often go to ridiculous lengths to maintain their “PUBLIC PERCEPTION”. It is a strange paradox they while they ruin their close relationships, they try hard to win social approval. Shani was never the man for close relationships.

9 I will show them-Tortured Egos:

Shani Mahadasha people are often bent upon “PROVING THEMSELVES” and this is a real problem. Shani is anti-ego, and usually makes a person undergo defeats and humiliations in order to make him learn the plight of the tormented and humiliated. Usually the Shani impact of dull intellect and cynical attitudes, makes the native butt of jokes and target for ridicule. Children are often bullied at schools, adults are jeered at offices and mocked at family gatherings. It is a tragedy because nobody craves approval and appreciation more than people undergoing Shani Mahadasha. The native takes himself and his “image” very seriously and he keeps boiling himself with rage. I tell these natives to take it easy and stop trying to “impress” people. They should also get rid of their ego and illusions of their own greatness (mind boggling amount of Shani natives consider themselves unappreciated  greats with pent up talents).

10 Much ado about nothing-Misplaced Perfectionism:

Shani has an obsession with details and perfection. If Shani is badly placed in the chart, the native, in order to prove himself gets into ridiculous quest for “perfection.” When they usually prove themselves at a big stage, hence,  they take all the Shani energy out on “perfecting useless little things.” They can spend hours choosing the right background colour for a stupid presentation, cramming a useless poem, or slaving over unnecessary details of a dead project; while way more important and bigger things suffer. Sense of perfectionism and ego dominates common sense and sense of priority.

11. Yes Master: Serving Authority:

Shani is the planet of service and discipline. During Shani Mahadasha people are often faced with some sort of difficult authority figures whom they would have to serve. This can range from a domineering parent at home to a tough teacher in school to a harsh boss at work place. The native usually remains subservient to the authority figures during Shani Mahadasha. I often advise my clients to take up a charity close to their heart and work physically for that. This would please Shani and ease their difficulties with authority. So now that we have learned about Shani instincts, let’s go to the Mahadasha analysis:

Shani Mahadasha and Antardasha Analysis: 

While these are the general themes of Shani Mahadasha, a lot depends upon the lagna, and most of all, the placement of Shani. Then the corresponding placement of the planet from Shani’s house. Often planets sitting in difficult houses and planets sitting 6th 8th and 12th from Shani, give tougher results during their periods.

1. Shani Mahadasha – Shani Antardasha: The Chakki of Karma: Slow and Hard.

Remember the Chakki? That’s how your life becomes. Slow, hard, crushing and full of effort. It is a well known fact that people start to look, act, think and feel like the Mahadasha Lord. This is one big thing that makes transition from Jupiter Mahadasha to Shani Mahadasha a tough one. People turn bitter, cynical, and S-L-O-W. The mental agility and good luck associated with Jupiter evaporates. The “easy breezy” mental tasks now take intense effort and concentration, and they have to rely on good old HARD WORK to get things done. While Jupiter rules abundance, Shani rules scarcity. This reflects during their respective Mahadasha as well. Flow of all good things in life is limited, and one is forced to “downsize” the lifestyle. Frequently, with the onset of Shani Mahadasha, I have seen people move to smaller houses, lesser salaries, simpler offices, tougher roles, and longer work schedules.

I advise my clients to voluntarily “downsize” their lifestyle and actively adopt minimalism and hard work before Shani forces them to. I also advise them to take up some weekend project and additional work or charity.

Best way to handle this time is to busy yourself and don’t expect things to happen “easily”. Everything from a powerpoint presentation to a government approval would take repeated attempts. It would be a good idea to allot 50% more time to everything in planning and expect things to go S-L-O-W and H-A-R-D.

2. Shani Mahadasha – Mercury Antardasha: Practical Purposes:   

Mercury being a benefic for most people and a friend of Shani, brings the much needed relief to the native. The impact of mercury takes away some of the slow-mindedness of Shani and native gets the much needed relief and occasional breakthroughs. Due to Shani’s impact, the creative intelligence of Mercury gives way to PRACTICALITY.  Shani gives the much needed maturity to the playful Mercury. The native is more likely to wrestle with practical aspect of life, like business planning, accounts overview, and bank statements, in stead of getting into activities like writing poetry or reading fiction. The required mental boost is always put to “work”, with Shani, there is always enough to do. It is advisable that this time is used to finish big projects, learn new “practical” skills like accounting or programming, and wrap up any big decision, because next two Antardashas are going to be tough.

3. Shani Mahadasha – Ketu Antardasha: The Tug of War: 

With Shani – Ketu, starts the most dreaded period of Shani Mahadasha. Shani Ketu followed by Shani Venus is arguably the toughest patch in this mahadasha.   Whenever two malefic run together, life is not pretty. The mental faculties gained in Shani – Mercury again desert the individual. Although Shani hardships remain a constant and Ketu ennui and irritability come to conflict the Shani impact. The big problem is that Shani wants to W-O-R-K and Ketu does NOT. Ketu wants to be unengaged passive observer who doesn’t wish to be bothered with mundane things. Shani wants to do his Karma and “get things done”. Ketu resists as he knows the futility of human effort, but Shani persists with the material reality of Karma yoga. These two start to play a Tug of War, after tying the rope around the native’s neck. (Hope you got the picture).  A person is burdened with responsibilities and challenges, but the required drive and energy is missing. The native doesn’t “want to”, but he “has to”. This makes him highly irritable. While work life is hard, the personal life harder. Both Shani and Ketu being “Sanyasi” planets are the Karakas of separation and loneliness, together make the native’s domestic life difficult. The irritability and temper of the native gets out of control and he can be hurtful and rude to his own people. He can seek solitude and loneliness away from family. I have often seen romantic break ups, divorces, family separations, transfers away from family etc. Shani-Ketu-Venus period is particularly difficult. Then there is the ENERGY FLUCTUATIONS. Shani gives one a cold hard energy to work like a machine (and there is always enough and more to do). However Ketu has a disengaging impact and can make the native lethargic, dull and unfocused. These energy fluctuations create havoc. Imagine a bulb going from 0 to 1000 watts of energy…results are the same for the mind and body. First thing these two mess up is SLEEP cycle. One day Shani might wake the native up at 4 a.m. and keep him working till 9 p.m. non-stop. On the other day, Ketu might make him feel so lazy that he wakes up at 11 a.m. and then calls in sick, and spends rest of the day doing nothing. The idea is to know which is the Shani day and which is the Ketu day, and then behave accordingly. Native’s internal body clock is seriously damaged, so is his health, physically and mentally. “Sleepless and restless” is the general state of the native. Second thing that these two damage is the IMMUNITY. Unexplainable illness, heavy headedness and most of all, ALLERGIES attack the native. During the times of Corona, I would strongly advise people undergoing Shani-Ketu to take EXTRA caution. You are most vulnerable due to compromised immunity. Shani-Ketu-Venus and Shani-Ketu-Rahu are particularly intense.

4. Shani Mahadasha – Venus Antardasha: King of Bad Times: 

Shani Mahadasha is tough throughout, but its WORST impacts are delivered during Shani – Venus period. This is the period where the happiness in life goes on strike.  People often face repeat failures and frustrations at work. There is a multitude of problems to deal with ranging from a bad boss to being passed over for a promotion. However, the real damage is done at the personal front. Especially in the romantic or nuptial relationships. There can be romantic break ups, divorces, marital disharmony. The good old Saas-Bahu clashes can be a continuous source of stress. THE BIG QUESTION: Why do these two best friends, Venus and Shani bring such havoc to a person.

Short answer is that Venus is the “King of Good Times” It is one planet that makes life fun to live, it rules most good things, from love to good food, to luxury. Venus brings the party with him. But Shani is not the party guy, he is a badass no-nonsense guy. When he enters the Venus party, party ends…! Let me use an example from my favourite movie Godfather. There is a scene when Michael (a very Shani like Boss figure)

goes to meet his fun-loving brother Fredo (typical Venus figure).  

Fredo welcomes Michael with a party (wine, women, music…). However, the first thing Michael does is to END THE PARTY. He gives a stare to Fredo, stops the music, order the women out, and starts talking business, while Fredo sheepishly sits behind him, knowing that he is no longer in control and the Boss has taken over. PARTY OVER. 

Similarly, the Boss of Kaliyuga, Shani puts an end to the Venus party, thus, Venus loses all his power of giving happiness to the native, hence all good things go on a strike. Hence this period is the “King of Bad Times” You can read this for more understanding: (Shani-Venus) I tell people to WORK HARD and adopt a minimalist lifestyle, and avoid any kind of romantic conflicts during this period. A small altercation can result in separation or divorces.

5. Shani Mahadasha – Sun Antardasha: The Ego Crusher: Humiliation and Redemption:

Concept of humiliation suffered by the boss

Well well, don’t we all know about the complicated relationship of the Father and Son. This period, while is not as bad as Shani-Shukra, has its own crushing energy. This is the period when one exhausted by the trials of Shani-Shukra, the native faces the reality that his control on life is not as great as he thought. One often faces humiliation, particularly at the hands of some sort of authority figure (typically bosses, leaders, government, or a father figure). At times the native’s own father can be a source of trouble. Finally, the native realises that after all, he is not as great as he fancied himself. Once the ego is crushed (good for you), reality accepted, and a person surrenders himself, his ego is dissolved, and he becomes more spiritual. The haughtiness of the King Sun is humbled by the cold hard realities of Shani. The trials, humiliations, pains and helplessness turn a person towards finding solace in spirituality. The natives goes from believing that he is “The One” towards the search for “The One”. In my view one can turn this into a “purifying” and liberating experience. Remember EGO IS THE ENEMY and dissolving of ego can be a great blessing, bringing the native out of the illusions of his own greatness and make him accept the reality as it is. Humility and acceptance would go a long way in making Shani Dasha Tolerable. Special Note: Out of Shani, Rahu, and Ketu, Shani dasha is hardest go go through as long as one clings to his EGO. Ketu lives through spirituality. Ketu Mahadasha is intense and harsh but short and it compulsorily destroys the ego. Once that is done, the native can become spiritual, relaxed and disengaged. Rahu lives through passion: Rahu loves ego and can often boost it. One lives Rahu Mahadasha through Passion facing intense ups and downs. Shani lives through REALITY: Despite destruction of Ego, one cannot disengage in a Ketu manner. Shani will not let you ignore the realities and would always bring you back. It is better to maintain discipline and WORK in addition to taking up any spiritual endeavours. But work and reality cannot be avoided.

6. Shani Mahadasha – Moon Antardasha: The Uneasy Calm: 

Shani doesn’t hate moon with the intensity that he hates Sun with, but hey, the guy always has an “improvement program” for almost every planet. Moon the Karaka of Mind is the most fickle and fragile planet, he is used to taking what he desires and and acting on his whims, like a flighty teenager. But here, he enters the court of unforgiving Lord of Justice. Desires of moon are put on a hold by Shani and he is forced to realise that his whims are not always the command. Thankfully, one usually gives up the delusions of grandeur and ego during Shani-Sun. Thus the Moon period is not that hard, at least at the external level. However emotionally, this can be a restrictive and frustrating period. One knows and accepts that his desires won’t be fulfilled and this can lead to mental depression and frustration. The native can become half-hearted about everything in life. Shani Moon can put the motherly relationships for the native under stress. At times mother can be a source of worries and troubles. This period is sad but largely uneventful. Status quo is maintained and an uneasy calm rules the life. It is better to remain disciplined and accept reality with a sense of resignation and enjoy the calm before the storm.

7. Shani Mahadasha – Mars Antardasha: The Storm after the Calm:

The clam before the storm, is shattered by entry of Mars, the God of War. If any planet can stand up to Shani, it is Mars (Read this Article). However, it is not a pretty picture when these two tough guys go head to head. Mars gives native the courage and energy to fight back, but not without side effects . The moon ennui is replaced by Mars aggression and one is ready for a fight back. There is a lot of action and some dangerous adventures. This can again cause family disharmony, however this time the native is usually the trouble maker. He can become hyper-aggressive.  Native can get into fights and quarrels with one and all (he is so done with taking crap from everyone that he believes he has the right to give it back, Mars you see.) Family quarrels, road accidents, even street fights are a frequent occurrence. Some harm or injury can happen, especially if one has an affiliated Mars or Shani in the chart. I often advise the clients to worship Lord Hanuman (Remember the legends) during this time to reduce the harsh impact of this period. One should also donate blood.

8. Shani Mahadasha-Rahu Antardasha: Cops and Robbers-Desperate Times:  

Saturn Mahadasha- Effects & Remedies

This period of these two malefics is usually about delays, denials, frustration and limitations. When a gangster meets a tough cop, the results cannot be peaceful. Outlaw Rahu wants to break every rule in the book. Shani the incorruptible cop, shoves his rule book down his throat. Restless Rahu wants to run amock, Shani locks him up in jail. Entitled Rahu wants it and wants it NOW, Shani delays and denies. Whenever these two get in conflict, Shani wins, remember Shani ALWAYS wins. (Read about Shani-Rahu relationship). Rahu energy makes the native desperate “I want it and I want it NOW” is a Rahu motto…Shani the disciplinarian, frustrates his efforts, almost always delaying or denying the desired rewards. Especially if you have a tough Shani or Rahu placement in the chart it can be dangerous. Many people get into “desperation” and often try “desperate (unlawful) measures” which can further deepen their problems, as Shani is ever ready to punish. Shani locks up the rebellious Rahu in the jail, metaphorically, and in severe cases, even literally. Often people go to jail or get punished during this period. One should be particularly careful during Shani-Rahu-Ketu period. It would do well for a person to have patience and follow his spiritual remedies.  Remember “Desperate measures” are sure to backfire. It is always better to follow the old school values of HARD WORK, PATIENCE, AND FOCUS. The native should keep his head down and his expectations ultra-realistic, and his conduct extra careful. Don’t let your Rahu run a riot, Shani is watching. 

9. Shani Mahadasha – Jupiter (Guru) Antardasha: SEE-SAW: (IT’S COMPLICATED)

If one period baffles me of all Mahadasha and Antardasha combinations, it is Shani – Jupiter. My father used to say “Only God can predict what happens during this period, astrologers can’t”. I will try my best to share what I know, but remember I have already given a disclaimer. Funny thing, most people I interviewed during my research, found it hard to categorise this period as either good or bad. For some people, it starts good, ends bad, for some it starts bad ends good. For most it is a bitter-sweet period, with contrasting results.  Jupiter is in many ways like a counter balancing force to Shani. Jupiter is perhaps the only planet that has the size and power to match Shani. Jupiter brings the much needed positivity and tries to interrupt the harsh negativity of Shani. Now this means war. When two entities matched in size and power, lock horns, it is time for a SEE-SAW battle.  Often the native rides a SEE-SAW of happiness and despair, going from one to the other continuously. Some days he is the glorious winner, on other days days he faces crushing defeats. Some things that looked “good” initially, turn out be bad, some initially “bad” things turn out to be good.  Confusing, right (I can empathise with you). Let me try a few examples:

One may get married to the “one true love”, only to discover that it was a big mistake, and then file for a divorce.

One may get fired from a job, only to find a much better one.

One may launch a business and do well initially, only to file bankruptcy few months later.

One may do well in stock market for a while, only to suffer huge losses in the end.

Confusing, right? That’s Jupiter-Shani for you. One’s faith, ideas, philosophy, and core beliefs are severely tested. One can make big decisions due to irrational optimism, only to suffer the consequences later on. Or out of sheer fear, one can miss on a good opportunity, only to regret it later. Native can go broke playing “all or nothing” and suffer the consequences of taking risks, leap of faith can end in a broken jaw.  Or more frequently,  he can “sell his soul” for security. He can abandon his dreams, for take up the educational course he hates, sacrificing his present for a  “bright future”, or cling to a job that kills his soul but “puts food on the table.” I always suggest MODERATION during the period. Because you don’t know how anything would turn out, so don’t make any life defining decisions like heavy investments, marriage, or property purchase. NO big moves (I warn you that you would be tempted to. But PLEASE don’t.)  Barring Libra and Taurus ascendant natives, this period usually ends in a disaster. When two warring pilots are fighting over control, you can’t expect a smooth ending, this period usually ends in a Crash Landing. Brace your seatbelts and embrace yourself for a… CRASH LANDING: THE TOUGHEST DASHA SANDHI: FIRST 9 MONTHS OF MERCURY DASHA

I have usually seen first nine months of any new Mahadasha are usually filled with upheaval, this is the Dasha-Sandhi (dasha overlap period). With change of Mahadasha, the entire setting of a person’s life changes, the word “Dasha” can be translated to “Condition” so with dasha change, conditions change in life, and with Mahadasha change, the entire canvas of the life changes, Usually it is a violent process, people change jobs, houses, towns, professions, nations, and in some cases, even spouses. The most violent Dasha Sandhi that I have observed is that from Shani Mahadasha to Mercury Antardasha. This is the period of the first NINE MONTHS of Mercury Mahadasha (I have lived through it and can vouch for the sheer intensity of it). Before handing the native’s life over to Mercury, Shani gives the native final “shape up” beating. But like all things Shani, this period also helps the person in the long run. At times I get calls from people undergoing this transition, they complain that this period is worse than Shani period, I just tell them to “hold on and wait for nine months to get over.” Like a new child, this period prepares you for a new life, and after these nine months  the “new you” is born. Shani leaves you satisfied, knowing that you have paid for your Karma and have learned your lessons. He has toughened you up. Then he allows Mercury to take over, and shower you with the good luck, happiness, and most of all smart MERCURY INTELLECT that allows you to make smart decisions, and hence live a good life and find success. But always remember, under that “smart as a whip” Mercury brain, you now have SHANI’S STEEL in your spine and soul…

And just like Shani, you have now become… BHOT HARD…!

Jai Shani Dev…! Jai Bajarang Bali…! Har Har Mahadev….!

Timing of Getting job