Saturday, August 4, 2018

Swati Nakshatra

Swatika lagna and Swati Chandra = somewhat peculiar in personal behavior. Naturally they carry the intelligence of Arcturus their home star and thus they may rise into wisdom roles.
Yet they may be unwise in personal behavior.

Swati folk are a conundrum. Often enamored of the momentary pleasures of wine, women, and song. Yet passionate about cultivation of relationships and looking assiduously for the balance point that marks the ever-swinging fulcum between inner self and outer self.

One is externally, socially focused upon Thula philosophy of clever, mutually acceptable arrangements and the practice of diplomatic harmony;
yet the interpersonal balance = Arrhythmic due to Rahu
  • Like A-rudra and Shata-taraka, the Swa-tika folk = more complexly involved in taboo-breaking activities (Rahu) than their attractive surface appearance might immediately reveal.
  • Swati can be stand-off-ish and seem uncertain of their role. Yet can jump into the situation with unpredictable spring-forward motion (Rahu) to claim the object of desire.
  • What seems like pride is really uncertainty regarding one's proper social station. Wanting to maintain the highest available level of socially harmonious relationships (Zukra) yet at the same time self-identifying as some variety of pretender or poseur (Rahu), Swati despite pleasant appearance seems to not quite fit in.
  • Tendency to marry down.
Swati natives are nearly always attractive with balanced features; but there is also something out of balance in the appearance.
  • Both physically and metaphorically, the Rahu-ruled Swati = mode of travel = arrhythmic, with an irregular (Rahu) gait
  • may seem restless for higher privilege despite many material advantages in life.
Craving for something or someone that beckons with the promise of higher privilege. The craving for this object of desire disturbs Swati's inner balance.
No matter the amount of personal discipline, numbing drugs, or logical argument, this Rahu-craving persists.
  • For an orphaned child, Swati's perpetual dissatisfaction may arise from the endless craving for mother who is deceased.
  • For a married woman, perhaps her great love is not her contractual partner. She may remain faithful to the union, yet the craving for her lover fills her dream-space, day and night.
  • For a champion fisherman, Swati could indicate a subconscious arrhythmicobsession with the One that Got Away.
It is a challenge for the Swati native to set one's life into a permanently harmonious swingRahu interrupts the balance.

The odd gait is subtle and usually physical, typically the swinging too far on one side, or even limping from congenital conditions, injury or accident. But there can be other bodily expressions of the odd cadence, since the origin is some irregularity of the spine which puts pressure on the internal organs particularly the heart.

Swati is weaker than appearances might reveal; the endless stress of irregular desires can erode the vitality. One may suddenly collapse in complete exhaustion. However the pendulum will usually swing back into a period of vitality after some refreshment.

Mars and Sun conjunction

This is a very fiery combination! The two most masculine planets coming together by conjunction of a strong aspect will make the person more proactive and action oriented. 

A woman with this position will have more masculine qualities like initiative, courage and go getting attitude. 

Sitting without anything to do, any task to work on or any project to focus on, can be the worst punishment for such a person. It can actually lead to frustration, dejection and eventually psychological and health issues! 

If you have such a child or you yourself are this person, you need to keep yourself busy, or else the impulsive energy of this combination will drive you up the walls with dissatisfaction and even self-resentment which will lead you to risky, silly, excessive or downright dangerous behaviors. The energy should be harnessed for something productive or at least physical exercise while no other project is present, this way you will save yourself a lot of headache caused by reckless actions or frustrated pent up energy. Bisque, martial and invigorating exercises with lots of movement and change(not endurance, repetitive ones) like kick boxing, aerobics, interval training are perfect for the Sun Mars person. 

But a word of warning, if you have the Sun Mars conjunction, it is best that you do not do competitive or pair sports like tennis, squash, etc because then Mars becomes agitated by the conjunction and proximity of the Sun and he gets angry! Any planet in conjunction close to the Sun, get agitated and reacts in less healthy way. With Mars, this means the person being a bad sport, overly competitive and irritated by the possibility of not winning. A lot of Mars conjunct Sun people, are so painfully competitive that they refuse to compete or even fight with anyone as they feel frustrated about the whole thing even before it starts!

So you will find many Mars Sun conjunct people, shy away from challenges, competition and situations of confrontation on the whole, because they subconsciously do not want all the agro and negative feelings which come with this! For them it is best to do sports which have them competing with themselves and also more relaxing such, which do not overly inflame their hot nature: swimming is one good such. Also drinking more water is recommended to counteract their fiery nature and keep them hydrated, because the Sun, Mars conjunction tends to inflammations, fevers, sudden and other conditions caused by heat and dryness. The conjunction of the Sun to Mars can weaken the organs and functions ruled by Mars like the nervous system, the sight, red blood cells, adrenals, male hormones, etc so they should check these more often for health issues. 

 The sun conjunction Mars people can also do all these things, just as good, but they feel agitated in the process, they can throw tantrums, explode more easily and sometimes do overly rash things. Their energy is more tense and uncomfortable for themselves and others around them, when in situations of crisis or challenges. They will be more feisty, pushy, hurtful to others when confronted directly or when going after a goal than the someone with the aspect. Even if they do not show outwardly these more rough Mars qualities, they will feel powerful inner frustration when problems need to be fixed immediately or a fight fought but will do it quite well anyway after agitating themselves and others around first!

Why is this so with the conjunction? Because the Sun usually represents a powerful authority figure like the father, who was disrespecting the will of the person while growing up and later in life the person feels very defensive when someone challenges their will and other Martial qualities. So they will react more sensitively to anyone telling them what to do or trying to boss them around. They had such a person in their life as young and were often forced sometimes by physical intimidation even, to do and follow orders which were usually not to their liking. 

There is always a rebellious and unruly streak in the Sun/Mars conjunction people, who do much better in environments where they are their own bosses than in ones where someone is there to tell what to do all the time. Or if they have a boss, there can be more frictions with this person, who will often exhibit pushy, bullying or more reactive behavior towards the person. 

And the person will so show these behaviors to others in their life. In most cases the person is good willing, just they have a more abrasive way of imposing their will on others and going after the things they think are right. Age tends to mellow these behaviors. 

 Both the Aspect and the conjunction are amazing at going after and making their goals happen, with the only difference that the conjunction people get more agitated in the process than the aspect people. 

Venus and Moon Conjunction

 Modern astrology takes into consideration only conjunctions which are within 10-12 degrees, but actually ancient sources, tell us that our ancestors regarded any planets in the same sign as being in conjunction even if they were 29 degrees apart. 

The Moon shows one’s most natural behaviors and what one is most comfortable with and used to. When the Moon is with Venus, the planet of balance and ease, (given that there are no difficult planets also there like Saturn, Rahu or Mars or aspecting strongly) then the native is someone who needs and will attract harmonious environments and circumstances in order to feel emotionally fulfilled and happy. You might think that everyone needs such in order to feel safe and comfortable, but people with more harsh planets aspecting the Moon are used, from young, to more challenging, competitive or painful environments and as adults they feel unnatural and uneasy when in slow paced or too gentle situations only, so they subconsciously seek out harder ones.

Not so with the Venus Moon person! These people were often given good motherly love and nurturing, (unless some cruel planets are also involved) they usually grew up in harmonious environments. Venus also rules all objects of beauty, art,and society with its courtesies, etiquettes and niceties, so it is not uncommon that the native was used to more arty, cultural and civilized conditions and they seek out later in life more social such. In adult years, such people will naturally attract and only feel comfortable in similar situations, and when life puts them in more harsh and uncouth conditions, they would instinctively try to harmonize, improve or beautify these, and if they cannot succeed, remove themselves from them, and if this options is also not possible they might get literally physically il,l due to this emotional discomfort! While someone with Moon with Mars for example, would thrive in competitive and more Spartan environments! 

Moon shows the mother or primary nurturing figure in the horoscope and often such people have good and loving relationships with her. They can perceive her as a cultured, beautiful and affectionate person and she might even be involved in Venusian careers-design, art, amusement, social studies, consulting, teaching, dance, beauty, nursing, women, leisure, pleasures etc, Often the natives themselves will have a very sweet disposition, the qualities of Venus showing powerfully through them. They will naturally know how to please, appease and comfort people, how to have fun, how to enjoy the sensual pleasures of the Earth. Others will like them a lot and be drawn to them due to their easy manner. They will be very sensually inclined and drawn to physical beauty and peaceful, pretty, luxurious places.

When upset emotionally(Moon), all they need to do, is to find such Venusian activity and give in to it-art, a walk in the park, a good meal, a beautiful sunset or view which to contemplate, intimate time with a loved one, --all Venusian activities of amusements.

 To give you another example: someone with Saturn Moon conjunction, when in a bad emotional state, will feel way better if they apply positive Saturnian actions: fasting, get introspective, busying themselves in work and productive but repetitive practical tasks etc, restricting and cutting off certain people or activities or just being patient and waiting for time to heal.

 I hope you are starting to feel how the Moon-the emotional needs of a person, behaves in life—it reflects the influence of the planet it is with or strongly aspected by and demands that the needs of that planet be met or else the person feels emotionally unhappy! 

So far so good for Venus Moon people! They are indeed joy to be around, very affectionate and loving, kind and easy going, in most cases! 

But Venus is also the planets of relationships and the Moon shows what we focus the most on in our daily life and mind(the Moon rules he inner world of the person—his mind), so Moon Venus people will find relationships very important and a predominant occupation emotionally. 

But here is where the problem of this combination comes up! The Moon is enemy of Venus, in astrology(it is a one sided animosity) and when the Moon is with Venus or oppose it, it starves Venus, which means these people will have problems in relationships! Why is that? The Moon is the Self—our self image and most personal and subjective attitudes which often can be irrational and unconscious. 

When Moon is with Venus, such people become too subjective in relationships, their decisions often are emotionally based even when they see, it is not the right choice or situation, they go there believing their “inner voice”, because their heart “tells them so”. Suffering follows. The warning bells are not perceived rationally and the person allows too much subjective impressions (Moon) to be involved in their relationship choices and behaviors(Venus). A productive and happy relationship needs objectivity and a bit of detachment(that is why Venus rules Taurus- earth sign(practicality) and Libra-air sign (objectivity,rationality) and not an emotional water sign.

Venus Moon people make relationships(Venus) all about feelings, longings and subjective impressions (Moon) and not about agreements, promises and equal give and take, as healthy parterhsips are supposed to be! They become overly sensitive when in relationships. Emotional ups and downs and tides are the agenda of their partnerships! They can be very needy towards the partner and demand constant attention. The partners might have to walk on eggs around them so they don’t hurt their feelings! 

In the horoscope of men, this can play out differently sometimes, because Venus indicates the wife herself-so Venus with the Moon can indicate girlfriends/wifes who are very feminine (Moon) but also very emotional, sensitive, needy, with mood swings, inconstant etc.Deep down she will react to the man like this, because he carries the energy of Venus with Moon. The female partner will be just reflect it, even if she is not usually like that with other people!

A lot of parental roles can be involved in their relationship- mothering the partner or being mothered by them, which is one of the biggest no no's in relationships if you are to have an equal one! All psychologists will tell you this! It can be very comfortable for awhile, but eventually one of the parters will desire someone they see in less parental or childlike light. Emotionalism and sensitivity become the focus of their in relationships. It is interesting actually watching these people from far--they can be perfectly rational and logical in regards to other areas of life, but when it comes to love, bam! A fog of emotional drama. 

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