Sunday, February 7, 2021

Capricorn stellium

 Capricorn dominates the sky mirror since late November when Jupiter conjoined Saturn there. Saturn is here from late January 2020 to late January 2023. Jupiter is in Capricorn from March 29-June 30, 2020, November 20, 2020 to April 5, 2021, and again from September 14 to November 20, 2021. 

Some other planets have slowly joined to form a Capricorn pile-up (stellium) including the Sun (January 14 to February 12); the Moon for a few days each month, Mercury (January 4 to March 11 during which time it is retrograde); Venus (January 27 to February 20); ; and Pluto (February 25 to June 29, 2020, December 30, 2020 to March 5, 2039, and August 23, 2039 to January 16, 2040). 

You can see this Capricorn stellium is going to intensify as we move toward the New Moon on February 11. Then it will gradually ease up as the Sun and Moon will enter Aquarius shortly thereafter, then Venus will enter Aquarius February 20, etc. Some relief will come when Jupiter enters Aquarius in early April (more on that in a future post), and when the other planets come into Pisces in the spring too. 

Stelliums (three or more planets in one sign) create a lot of intensity and challenges. In essence, the energies of the planets entwine and fuse a new entity, and often make it difficult for the individual planets to reflect their true essence. The indications of the planets in a stellium interlace and create some diffuse qualities that are often difficult to clarify, reflecting a lot of confusion, cognitive dissonance, conflict, and the inability to see beyond one's own narrow viewpoint.  

The primary signature with all the planets in Cardinal Capricorn (and with Mars in Cardinal Aries now) is Cardinal Earth, which is the essence of Capricorn. This is based on a significant excess in the Cardinal modality (which is Rajasic/passionate, restless, irritated, worried and chaotic), and also with an emphasis on the Earth signs (Capricorn stellium, Rahu in Taurus for another year, and Moon in Virgo today and tomorrow). Earth energy when in excess can feel very "stuck," heavily laden with fear, and out of synch with creativity and imagination. 

Capricorn, as it is ruled by Lord Shani (Saturn), when out of balance as in this case, represents excess Vata. The energy here can be selfish, anxious, worried, cold-hearted, irritated, restless, and spaced out. It represents strong potential for a lot of negative thought. Additionally, there is a general weakness of the Water element energy now as portrayed by the planets in signs (Ketu is the only graha in a Water sign/Scorpio, but this placement further depletes the Water element). 

To strengthen the Water element and help calm all this intense Capricorn energy, we need to activate the vagus nerve. I teach my clients how to do this, especially when their personal astro-charts reveal a tendency for weakness in this element, which is connected to the vagus nerve (and the parasympathetic nervous system). It's a vast topic and also a trendy one, so you can do research if you are unaware of it. 

One quick and easy way to hack the vagus nerve and awaken the parasympathetic relaxation response is to do slow deep diaphragmatic breathing several times a day. (Check out this excellent article if you need more info:

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