Sunday, February 7, 2021

Remedy Narsimha Mantra

 Happy Mars Day! One of the Hindu/Vedic deities associated with Mars is Narasimha, the fourth avatar of Lord Vishnu. Narasimha Is known primarily as the 'Great Protector," often shown as half man-half lion. This Narasimha mantra invokes the grace of Lord Narasimha to remove problems in life. 

Ugram Viram MahaVishnum 

Jvalantam Sarvato 

Mukham Nrisimham Bhishanam 

Bhadram Mrityur 

Mrityum Namamy Aham


Eng. Trans:

Ugram – the ferocious one

Viram – The most courageous

Mahavishnum – The all-pervasive one (Lord Maha Vishnu)

Jvalantam – the effulgence of fire

Sarvato Mukham – Having his face everywhere (manifested throughout the universe)

Nrisimham - The Lion-man form

Bhishanam – The terrific

Bhadram – The auspicious

Mrutyur Mrutym – death of death

Namamy Aham – I bow down with reverence 

(Aum Shri Narasimha, You, who has always been, are, and will always be, protect me from all enemies, both within and without.) 

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