Sunday, February 7, 2021



Curse is the negative energy, which obstructs the growth anddevelopment of human beings. It obstructs the spiritual and materialgrowth of a person. Curse is acquired in previous and present life. 

Whenwe torment any person deliberately or undeliberately, then that personbecomes negative to us, in the form of speech, or sends negative vibes from heart. This negative speech and vibes become Curse. We shouldnever do anything wrong, or make anyone suffer deliberately orundeliberately. In our horoscope, the planets like Rahu, Ketu and Shanicauses the curse, and the planets which sits with them also make them spell curse. 

We have to removethese curse for the growth anddevelopment. In order to removethese curse we need to do someremedies. Below are the remedies to remove the curse:

 Do Linga Abhishekam with


 Plant trees

 Do meditation.

 Have crystal Shree Yantra at home, in worship place.

 Feed Cows with Green fodder/roti/jaggery.

 Do pind daan and Narayan Bali puja in Gaya(Bihar).

 Donate food items and clothes to needy persons on Amavasya day.

 Sprinkle Cow’s urine in home.

 Offer water to Sun daily, and recite the mantra “Om suryeah namah”

 Do yagya of ‘’Mahamritunjaya mantra” once a month or so.

 Donate Milk and Wheat on Saturdays 

 Donate 10% of income to


 Light diya of Cow ghee, in Silver utensils in Pooja room daily.

 Recite Shaap Vimochan Mantra.

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