Friday, February 7, 2020

Jaimni char karaka

1) Atma karaka (AK): Having the most degree. It is considered as strongest planet. It represents self.
2) Amatya karaka (AmK): Lesser in degree than that of AK. It is the 2nd strongest planet. It is karaka of Career.
3) Bhratri karaka (BK) : Lesser in degree than that of AmK. It is karaka of Co-borns.
4) Matri karaka (MK): Lesser in degree than that of BK. It is Karaka of Mother.
5) Putra karaka (PK): Lesser in degree than that of MK. It is Karaka of Children.
6) Gnati karaka (GK): Lesser in degree than that of PK. It is karaka of Cousins and relations.
7) Dara karaka (DK): Lesser in degree than that of GK. It is Karaka of Spouse.

The Sign Where the Amatyakaraka Planet is Placed in D10 chart, The planets conjunct or aspecting this Planet in D10 chart gives hints towards your Profession. You have to check the 10th house and 10th lord of D10 chart with this planet. But in todays world we can make profession with anything. So we have to use a composite approach to get a better idea.

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