Friday, February 7, 2020

Astrological importance of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama

As mentioned above recitation and meditation of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra can help anyone who is seeking relief from various problems and can fulfill his or her desires.

    Helps minimizing evil combinations/affliction of planets as indicated in one’s birth chart. One can also heal through and overcome various curses and misfortunes.

    Many astrological classics including Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra have mentioned its use to obtain peace and relief in difficult situations. In fact it is a universal remedy to pacify and empower all planets in one’s birth chart.

    Difficult periods indicated in a person’s birth chart including:

        Dashas and antadashas of death inflicting planets(marak periods) and functionally malefic planets.

        Difficult transits of Rahu, Ketu or Saturn especially over Luminaries, that is, natal Sun and Moon.

        When transiting Jupiter moves through one’s 8th House.

        Weak and inauspicious Sun, Moon, Lagna(Ascendant) Lord as indicated in one’s birth chart.

    Incurable diseases, health problems, fear, anxiety and low state of confidence and self-esteem.

    Financial losses, conflicts and poor economic condition.

    Problems with progeny and any problem affecting children.

    Marital problems and divorce conflicts.

    Ensuring success in exams, business ventures and other competition.

    Natural disasters or when one’s country/state is in a state of turmoil and distress.

    Spiritual progress and grace of Lord Vishnu.

    To fulfill any other desire or overcome any difficulty.

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