Thursday, February 6, 2020

Vishnu sahastranama and secret of Jyotish


All our Aacharyas, Shastras, Puranas always highlighted the ever powerful Vishnu sahasranama Stotram, which is the means for solution to all ills not only prevailing in the society as a whole but also in any individual on account of various reasons including some grahadosha.

The new generation must understand the values and continue to follow the Vedic principles. If one knows his/her constellatilon known as Nakshatra and it's Padam (quarter in which they are born of a nakshatra), they can surely find out the related Vishnusahasranama stanza that aptly linked to their star and by reciting it often one would get immense benefits.

The 108 shlokas (shloka) of Sri Vishnusahasranaama Stotram remove all the ills associated with any grahadosha to any chanter of any Nakshatram (Stars viz.constellations) and provides supreme solace and supreme bliss.

There are 27 Nakshatram starting from Aswini and ending with Revati.

Each Nakshatram has four Paadas.

Thus 108 shlokas correspond to 27 X 4 nakshatra padams. Thus a person born in Aswini 1st Paadam can chant first slokha, Bharani 1st padams can chant 5th slokha and so on for respective Nakshatra Saanthi.

A person not sure of one's Nakshatra can chant all the 108 shlokas and get rid of all ills associated with one's Nakshatram and attain sampoorna shaanti.

There is no need for any other means at all to achieve success in any issue.

Every person has a Shlokam from Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram, based on his or her birth star and paadam. On chanting that Shlokam everyday, the perosn attains spiritual and material benefits. To know what is your Shlokam you have to follow the method explained here:

In Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram, there are 108 shlokas. Totally there are 27 stars, list of which is given below. Each star or nakshatram has 4 paadas. Each person is born in one of the paadas. Therefore totally there are 108 paadas, in one-to-one correspondence with the 108 shlokas of Vishnu Sahasranaama Stotram. Your shlokam is that which corresponds to the serial number of paadam inwhich you are born. For example, if your star is Rohini, paadam is 3rd, your slokam no. = Ashwini 4 +Bharani 4 + Kruttika 4 + Rohini 3 = 15th shlokam of Vishnu Sahasranaama Stotram, which is "Lokaadhyakshassuraadhyaksho..."

This is the list of nakshathras and the sets of shlokam numbers for each star:

1) Ashwini - 1-4
2) Bharani - 5-8
3) Kruttika - 9-12
4) Rohini - 13-16
5) Mrugasira - 17-20
6) Ardra - 21-24
7) Punarvasu - 25-28
8) Pushyami - 29-32
9) Aaslesha - 33-36
10) Magha - 37-40
11) Purva Phalguni - 41-44
12) Uttara Phalguni - 45-48
13) Hasta - 49-52
14) Chitra - 53-56
15) Swati - 57-60
16) Vishakha - 61-64
17) Anuradha - 65-68
18) Jyeshttha - 69-72
19) Moola -73-76
20) Purva Ashaadha - 77-80
21) Uttara Ashaadha - 81-84
22) Sravanam 85-88
23) Dhanishttha - 89-92
24) Shathabhisham - 93-96
25) Purva Bhaadrapada - 97-100
26) Uttara Bhaadrapada - 101-104
27) Revati - 105-108

Vishnu Sahasranaama Stotram (VSS) has the power to activate Sahasraara Chakra, cause Atmajnaana and Brahmajnaana. To attain Moksha, one's Sahasraara Chakra must be fully opened. Daily concentrated reading of VSS will activate the Kundalini and other Chakras too. VSS contains the 1008 names of the Bhagawan. It was compiled by Sage Veda Vyaasa, and is a part of Mahaabhaaratam.

In Mahaabhaaratam, it is told by Bheeshma on his 'ampasayya' to Yudhishtthira (Dharma Raaja) who wanted to know what is the way to attain Moksha..., who asks "ko dharmassarvadharmaanaam bhavatah pramo mataha, kim japan muchyate jantur janmasamsaarabandhanaat ," meaning, which is the greatest dharma and by chanting what do we attain Moksha. Bheeshma chants the VSS to Pandavaas who were present before him at that time.Mahaabhaaratam has got immense sanctity, only because of two holy things forming part of it: The Bhagawad Gita and The Vishnu Sahasranaama Sthothram.

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