Thursday, February 13, 2020

In Vedic astrology the Sun is the most important factor for determining the spiritual life. It represents the soul, the causal body or reincarnating entity whose will is behind our fate. It is also the mind or the mental principle on a lower level as reason, discernment, clarity and illumination.
A well-placed Sun gives intelligence, perception, and strength of will and character. It affords endurance, stamina, vitality, positive spirit, direction, courage, conviction, confidence, leadership, independence and straightforwardness. Without it, whatever we may do or accomplish in life will not be ours and will not give us inner strength or peace.
A poorly placed Sun gives lack of intelligence, poor perception, weakness of will and character. It creates lack of endurance, low vitality, melancholy, fear, dependency or servitude, deviousness or dishonesty. A malefically disposed Sun creates pride, arrogance, and tyranny. When it is too strong, it creates many of the same problems as Mars. It can give a deceptive charisma and a manipulative personality. When the Sun is strong we outshine everyone else, for good or ill depending on whether its disposition is benefic or malefic.
A weak but spiritually disposed Sun makes us receptive, self-effacing and eager to do good. But we lack confidence and come under the rule of other people. We seek to sacrifice ourselves but do not know what to give ourselves over to. The Sun rules the heart, the organ of circulation and vitality, and a weak Sun may give problems with that organ. Inwardly the heart is the seat of intelligence that regulates the life, breath, aspiration and perception.
The Sun in the chart shows what we really are in our hearts. The Sun shows who we are in ourselves as individuals, quite apart from how we may appear or what roles we may play. The Sun indicates the level of our self-manifestation.
-David Frawley
Strengthen the Sun in your horoscope with this Secret remedy revealed in Skanda Purana
The seventy names of the Sun-god given below are meritorious. They are to be used  with Om in the beginning and namaḥ (obeisance) at the end. ( For example ‘Om mitrāya namaḥ ‘). Looking every time at the Sun directly, these names should be uttered holding a copper vessel with water free from impurities with both the hands. Meditating on him, the devotee can offer these Seventy names of the Sun god as Arghya to the most esteemed Savitṛ (Sun) god by taking the vessel up to the head level.
The eyes and the mind should not be directed elsewhere. These seventy names are on a par with great esoteric Mantras. At the end of each name, Mantra, the devotee should bow to the Sun-god. This can done both at sunrise and at sunset. Performing the holy rite thus, no man shall ever be poor or miserable. He will be rid of all terrible ailments and sins acquired in the course of many births. Without medicines, without doctors, without following strict regimen he will be cured.
Thus, O excellent one, an aspect of the solar world has been recounted. Who can comprehend the special characteristics of this ( god ), the storehouse of great refulgence. Agastya Said : By listening to this story pertaining to the Sun along with that of the world of Apsarās, the devotee will never be afflicted with poverty. He will never engage himself in unrighteous activities.
Seventy Names of the Sun god To be Repeated and Arghya offered
1. Haṁsa ( the pure Sattva)
2. Bhānu ( the refulgent )
3. Sahasrāṁśu ( thousand-rayed )
4. Tapana ( blazing )
5.Tāpana ( Scorching )
6. Ravi ( protector of the worlds )
7. Vikartana ( whetted for more brilliance )
8. Vivasvān ( having special refulgence )
9. Viśvakarman ( of universal activity )
10. Vibhāvasu ( of fiery nature )
11. Viśvarūpa ( of universal form )
12. Viśvakartā ( the procreator of the universe )
13. Mārtaṇḍa ( present in the insentient Cosmic Egg in the form of Vairāja )
14. Mihira ( destroyer of mist )
15. Aṁśumān ( having rays )
16. Āditya ( aditi’s son )
17 Adibhuta (The First Being)
18 Akhila-gamavedin (The Knower of All Scriptures)
19. Aryamān ( triad of vedas personified )
20. Bradhna ( making the universe flourish )
21. Divākara ( maker of the day )
22. Dvādaśātmā ( having twelve forms )
23. Saptahaya ( seven-horsed )
24. Bhāskara ( creator of brilliance )
25. Ahaskara ( usherer of the day )
26. Khaga ( going forth in the firmament )
27. Sūra ( one that gives birth to the universe )
28. Prabhākara ( illuminator )
29. Śrīmān Lokacakṣuḥ ( the glorious one brightening the worlds, the eye of the worlds )
30. Graheśvara ( lord of the planets )
31. Trilokeśa ( the controller of the three worlds)
32. Lokasākṣī ( the immanent soul of the world )
33. Tamori ( enemy of darkness )
34. Śāśvata ( the eternal one )
35. Śuci ( sacred )
36. Gabhastihasta ( having rays for hands )
37. Tīvrāṁśu ( hot-rayed )
38. Taraṇi ( redeemer of devotees like a raft across the ocean )
39. Sumahaḥ ( of splendid brilliance )
40. Araṇi ( the place of maifestation of everything )
41. Dyumaṇi ( Jewel of the firmament )
42. Haridaśva ( green-horsed )
43. Arka ( of swift movement, worthy of respect )
44. Bhānumān ( possessor of rays )
45. Bhayanāśana ( destroyer of fear )
46. Chandośva ( having the metres of the vedas for horses )
47. Vedavedya ( to be realized through the Vedas )
48. Bhāsvān ( luminous )
49. Pūṣan ( one who nourishes )
50. Vṛṣākapi ( showering merit and shaking off sin )
51. Ekacakrarathe ( having a single-wheeled chariot )
52. Mitra ( friendly )
53. Mandehāri ( enemy of the demons mandehas )
54. Tamisrahā ( destroyer of pitch darkness )
55. Daityahā ( slayer of demons )
56. Pāpahartā ( remover of sins )
57. Dharma ( sustainer, righteousness personified )
58. Dharmaprakāśaka ( illuminator of piety )
59. Helika ( moving about in the firmament )
60. Citrabhānu ( having variegated rays )
61. Kalighna ( destroyer of kali, strife )
62. Tārkṣyavāhana ( having Tṛkṣa’s i.e., Kaśyapa’s son i.e., Anūru as charioteer )
63. Dikpati ( lord of the quarters )
64. Padmininātha ( lord of the lotus pond )
65. Kuśeśayakara ( having a lotus in the land )
66. Hari ( remover of darkness and sin )
67. Gharmaraśmi ( hot-rayed )
68. Durnirīkṣya ( very painful to look at )
69. Caṇḍāṁśu ( hot-rayed )
70. Kaśyapātmaja ( son of Kaśyapa )
For more Rituals and Remedies you can get our e-book – Vedic Rituals and Remedies
Image Credit – Maa Durga Wallpaper


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