Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The 6th House: Unfolding The Mystery

You  may  or  may  not  have  heard  about  the  6H  as  being  the  house  of  “Prarabdha”  karma– meaning the results of our past life’s actions that we must experience in this present existence.

Linked to the Karma Theory, the now hidden 6H was the “out there” 10H of actions in our last  life.    Therefore,  said  6H  –  that  could  be  termed  as  “unknown  factor”  and  which  is  legally  accepted  as  both  dushtana  and  uppachaya  house  –  does  not  leave  us  much  scope  for  negotiation  and  its  effects  could  be  ups  or  downs,  depending  on  whether  we’ve  been  good  boys & girls in the past... or not!

If  we  take  Kalapurusha,  we’ll  find  the  6H  to  be  Virgo,  a  sign  that  is  all  at  once  feminine  (receptive), of Earth tattva (artha) and dual.  Since Virgo in its eternal quest for purity is the sign  “par  excellence”  to  classify, quantify  and  analyse,  we  might  want  to  consider  that  the  6th  house’s  gifts  in  our  life  are  meant  to  bring  us  to  some  objective  conclusions  about  our  own reality.  But then, since Virgo is also known to be opinionated, we might also want to examine on what values our “objective conclusions” are based as partial “truths” might yield only partial conclusions (humanity’s plight it often seems...)

Then, as per Nadi astrology, Jupiter is the jiva (us – you, me...) that is, the conditioned soul – which is differentiated from the Sun as Atma or living force.  Now, Jupiter’s moolatrikona is Sagittarius – that would be Jiva’s starting point.  From this perspective, we see that Virgo is  the  10H  of  actions  (!)  This  boils  down  to  the  fact  that  the  birth  chart  shows,  in  reality,  what we have done in our past life, including acquired patterns of thinking, behaviours & all.  This  mysterious  past  is  now  mirrored  onto  this  life  and  our  Lagna decides  where  the  compulsive karma lies. 

Since Sagittarius is the 9th sign, we get the clue that the 9H should be used as the Lagna for the past life. Virgo’s  Lord, Mercury, is also  associated  with  the Earth tattva  so the individual is apprehending his existence  from  his earthly being perspective and that will modulate his experiences of life.  In the process of analysing matter, this experience of life may remain an abstraction since the essence of life as conscious perception is not found in matter but rather is what animates it. Mercury oversees the connections of the body (nerves, veins, etc.) so its undeniable bond to the classical 6H Virgo shows how this very house links the pathways of our lives from past to future.

This said, let’s point out that Mercury is one of the two Lords who get exalted in their own moolatrikona sign, the  other being the Moon, Mercury’s dad and enemy.   

Based on the assumption that an exalted  planet shows the sectors it represents were predominant or perhaps even “over-done” in the previous life, this would affect its moolatrikona in this life (ex:  for  Jupiter  exalted,  Sagittarius  would  be  damaged).For  Mercury,  its  exaltation  and  moolatrikona being one and the same – Virgo – we might rightly conclude that too much of even a good thing could destroy that very thing.  This must be why the 6H is labelled as that of the “shad ripus” or 6 enemies namely lust, anger, greed, illusion, madness, envy... 
These sure sound like retributions received by good boys and girls for past actions based on dubious motivations – they ring the meditation bell for some serious introspection in this very life in order to identify and trash this mental junk.  The 6H being that of “Health”, failure to clean up will certainly eventually result in sickness since it is first born in the subtle body (mind, intelligence  and  ego)  before  manifesting “in  the  flesh”. Hence,  the 6H is “X-rayed” as the house of diseases, enemies, conflicts and wars...

And then, there is the 6th Lord himself – the fellow who will bring ups and downs where he sits as he may not have completely subdued his ”shad ripus” just yet – his process will likely interfere on the house and grahas he may be associated with for what he is worth.  This lack of stability will be mirrored on its house number position not only from the Ascendant but also from any rashi in the chart – ex: if the 6L sits in the 9H, the 9H as taken from any other house will be destabilized.

Now, an additional entertaining feature of the 6H is that it will show the prarabdha of any house – we’ll need to examine the 6th house counting from the house under scrutiny – ex: the prarabdha of one’s mother as 4H is shown by the 9H, our own father (hence, we are born to these people).

Assuming that all of the above are rules laid down to play a game, we’re proposing the “6th House – Unfolding the Maze” adventure!

The magic prarabdha number is 6 – so  we’ll apply “magic 6” to all houses of the chart following the “magic 6” logical order.

Consequently, we’ll derive the conclusion that the prarabdha of the 6H is seen from the 11H – then the 11H prarabdha is observed from the 4H, etc. Here’s the sequence:

6H – 11H – 4H – 9H – 2H – 7H – 12H – 5H – 10H – 3H – 8H – 1H (!)

So, you win the game when the lessons from all these prarabdhas are learned and you have succeeded in capturing the 1st House = your “Self”!

Since  this  may  actually  take  many  lifetimes,  let’s  launch  the  game  right  now  and  develop  our  “magic  6”  logic  muscles  (I  should  trademark  this  ☺)  by  throwing  in  some  thoughts  to  attempt linking the houses’ “magic 6” sequence...

6H – Alright, here sit those original 6 enemies (or we could say “the original sins”) that may prove a hindrance in our healthy process of discrimination i.e. discerning what is good for us and  what  should  be  avoided  –  something  that  many  people’s  logic  can  tackle  actually...  but  that may be interfered with by the 6H’s prarabdha as seen from the...

11H – ...of mental attachments.  You guessed right!  Logic is quite OK but there are ‘things’ that exist beyond logic that just naturally defeat it at times.  These ‘beyond logic’ attachments also have a “magic 6” house so, let us introduce you to the... 

4H – This is where we want to feel secure (please mama) and at peace, where our knowledge is  seen,  where  our  memories  from  the  past  operate,  the  past  influencing  our  present  perceptions  and  our  whole  scheme  of  what  feels  right  and  what  does  not.    In  this 
perspective, the 4H functions, it seems, are essential to qualify the 11H functions.  And since all are interlinked, the 4th house’s “magic 6” links what lies behind it to the... 

9H  –  Of  one’s  father,  guru,  higher  knowledge,  justice,  philosophy,  religion,  faith...  Or,  the values acquired in previous births that will shape the 4th house’s knowledge, sense of right, wrong  or  morality  if  you  will,  as  all  perceptions  are  mirrored  onto  one’s  sense  of  personal  values  and  beliefs.    This  9H/father  link  to  the  4H  goes  to  show  that  one’s  father  need  not  necessarily  be  the  mother’s  husband  –  our  father  is  “fated”  to  our  mother.  In India, the father  is  the  child’s  second  guru  (the  first  being  the  mother  –  4H)  and  is  traditionally  the  person who acts as the family’s bread winner and guide which takes us straight to the...

7H – Another maraka house.  Here we choose a life partner for our family life – because if we want the 2H, we need this 7H –, or a business partner for our money-making ventures...  This is, in addition, the place of our own mother’s happiness, our father’s gains, our younger sibling’s  child,  our  open  enemies.    Also  a  house  of  travels  and  business,  dealing  with  and  loving the public, search for harmony in relationships... (and that can kill us!  Why? Because we  need  to  compress  our  ego  in  a  way  that  will  accommodate  life  with  a  wife  and/or  business partner, per example, and they will certainly influence our family life and income.)  If  all  this  sheds  light  on  the  2H  happenings,  the  12H  will  give  indications  on  the  nature  of  what these people and things will bring in our life.

12H  –  Mmmmm...  Hidden  enemies,  the  famous  “bed  comforts”  and  private  life,  expenses  and  material  losses,  foreign  lands  and  travel  and  business,  end  of  things,  renunciation,  imprisonment,  hospitals,  suicide...    May  sound  scary  but  then,  a  partner  has  his/her  own  inevitable circumstances which are bound to affect us, or we may be predisposed to certain problems while travelling in foreign countries, per example.  And, to get down to bare facts, spouse, bed comforts and spending $$ belong together.  So, the prarabdha of this 12H that is prarabdha of the 7H (not to get confused) will be influenced by none else than the...

5H – Of romance and love received from the spouse (as the 11H of mental attachment from the 7H of partner – kind of makes sense for one’s bed comforts and private life); 5H is also our    children,    luck,    desires,    wisdom    or    applied    knowledge,    creativity,    intuition,    entertainment,   intelligence,   ritualistic   knowledge,   prayers   and   meditation   techniques,   business  sense  –  linked  to  the  brave  sign  of  Leo  who  needs  to  shine,  this  house  of  rewards  from the past life can greatly ease the apparent difficult themes of the 12H which could not, in  fact,  function  without  some  input  from  the  5H  that  (hopefully)  provides  romance  with 
the  partner  and  (hopefully  still)  wisdom  for  our  spiritual  moksha...    And  this  5H,  in  turn,  receives secret influences from the...

10H  –  Of  career,  status,  one’s  actions  visible  in  society,  father’s  income,  power,  authority,  success,  large  enterprises,  commerce,  renunciation,  the  last  rites  performed  by  one’s  child...    This is the best place to show the world what we are capable of, should we wish to.  Then, this  implies  that  our actions in this life do play a part in our 5th house’s luck  and  it  seems  that both of these are bound to ease or break one another – per example, if we got all the luck we  need  but  use  it  for  harmful  or  just  thoughtless  actions,  these  same  actions  are  bound  to  reduce our luck sooner or later.  That’s when we come close to completing our 12 houses cycle and must turn to the...

3H – To shed light on our 10H affairs.  As one of the “life” houses, the 3H is concerned with communications  and  all  kinds  of  activities  or  hobbies  that  will  channel  that  life  into  something tangible, as so many ways to expose one to the diversities and possibilities of the self.    This  is  where  our  courage,  self-action,  motivation  and  will  to  live  shine  forth.    So,  logically, the quality of one’s 3H will modify 10H affairs for better or for worst... depending on the...

8H – Hidden and unknown, this is another house of life, where life is designed and created, a  place  of  passion,  vitality,  potency;  and  of  metaphysical  knowledge  artfully  concealed  by  the  thick  veil  of  matter.    As  life  can  only  come  from  life,  the  8H  is  the  origin  of  the  3H’s  vitality.  The 8H is 12th from the 9H and indicates the way we have spent in our last life, the moksha  and  realizations  carried  from  the  past.  The  8H  focuses  on  life  beyond  the  mind  as  the Moon is fallen there.  And finally, to put the cherry on the sunday, if it will function at all, the 8H needs the... 

1H  –  That’s  you,  the  Jiva!  That  elemental  particle  of  conscious  energy  channelled  through  the  tube  of  apparent  lives  and  deaths  within  matter.    The  Jiva  who  must  consciously  experience  himself  through  all  kinds  of  distorted  circumstances  brought  about  by  his  own  ignorance  –  the  essential  ingredient  for  its  own  mental  moksha  sought  in  the  8H...    The  phenomena who will not know itself until he discovers his origin, the noumena (see Kant’s theory).

We could actually summarize this whole topic with the observation that the prarabdha for...

- dharma sthanas (fire signs) lies in the artha signs (I sow and I reap)
- artha sthanas (earth signs) are complemented by air signs (think before you act)
- kama sthanas (the air signs) are balanced by water signs (feelings propel thinking)
- moksha sthanas (water signs) are qualified by fire signs (actions lead to feelings)... showing how the 6H as prarabdha or “unknown factor” is meant to establish the needed equilibrium  between  past  and  future while  Our  handling  the  6H  effects  will  determine  Our future...

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