Thursday, February 13, 2020

“Muhurta or choice of an auspicious moment of commencement of any activity used to be the most important branch of Astrology in ancient times. Reasons for this can be found in it’s emphasis on the positive aspects of life i.e., choosing a favorable time to commence any activity. The emphasis on karma or effort to create a short term destiny relating to a particular aspect of life within the limits set by major destiny or birth horoscope has also been the reason for giving Muhurta the importance it deserved”
-K.K.Joshi (author of the book Muhurta Traditional and Modern)
In Muhurta  one of the most important factors in consideration is Tarabala and Chandrabala.
Tarabala is the strength of the constellation of Nakshatra where the moon is placed in at any given moment. Chandrabala is the lunar strength or the strength of the moon itself.
When the moon transits from one nakshatra to another, we compare it’s position from the Janma Nakshatra which is the nakshatra where the moon was placed in when we were born.
Nakshatras are divided into 3 sets, there are 27 nakshatras and so we get 9 groups or sets of nakshatras. This concept is called the Navatara.
Count from the Janma Nakshatra to the nakshatra where the moon is placed in and divide it by 9 if it is divisible, if not keep it as is.
If the remainder is 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 or 0 then tarabala is present or the strength from the nakshatra is present. If the remainder is 1, 3, 5, 7 then there is no tarabala.
  1. Janma Tara – This is the set of 3 constellations that are in trines to the Janma Nakshatra. For example, if your Janma Nakshatra is Rohini, then Rohini, Hasta and Shravana which are all nakshatras ruled by the Moon form the Janma Tara. Janma Tara can be used for spiritual initiations while travel is to be avoided during that time.
  2. Sampat Tara – This is the set of 3 constellations that are in trines to the second from the Janma Nakshatra. So if your Janma Nakshatra is Ashwini then Bharani, Purva Phalguni and Purva Ashada – the nakshatras ruled by Venus form the Sampat Tara for you. Sampat means wealth. Financial gains and comforts are indicated during this time.
  3. Vipat Tara – This is the set of 3 constellations that are in trines to the third from your Janma nakshatra. So if your Janma Nakshatra is Ardra, then Pushya, Anuradha and Uttara Bhadrapada – the nakshatras ruled by Saturn form the Vipat Tara for you. Vipat means danger and indicates losses. Misunderstandings and clashes are indicated during this time, so they advise not to start anything during this time.
  4. Kshema Tara – This is the set of 3 constellations that are in trines to the 4th from your Janma Nakshatra. So if your Janma Nakshatra is Pushya then Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashada and Bharani form your Kshema tara. Kshema means “comfort”. Work done during this time has a high probability to succeed as you feel very happy and confident.
  5. Pratyak Tara – This is the set of 3 constellations that are in trine to the 5th from your Janma Nakshatra. If your Janma Nakshatra is Punarvasu then Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashada and Bharani the Venus-ruled nakshatras form your Pratyak Tara. Pratyak means “obstacles”, any activity started when the moon transits your Pratyak tara brings a lot of obstacles and mental suffering.
  6. Sadhana Tara – This is a set of 3 constellations that ae in trines to the 6th nakshatra from your Janma Nakshatra. If your Janma Nakshatra is Shatabhishak then Bharani, Purva Phalguni and Purva Ashada the nakshatras ruled by Venus form your Sadhana Tara. Sadhana means “achievement”. It is considered a good tara for all activities.
  7. Naidhana – This is a set of 3 constellations that are in trines to the 7th nakshatra from your Janma Nakshatra. If your Janma Nakshatra is Uttara Phalguni then Jyestha, Revati and Ashlesha – the mercury ruled nakshatras form your Naidhana tara. Naidhana means “destruction”. It is one of the worst nakshatra group that brings painful experiences and is avoided for all auspicious works.
  8. Mitra Tara – This is a set of 3 constellations that are in trines to the 8th Nakshatra from your Janma Nakshatra. If your Janma Nakshatra is Ashlesha then Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada and Punarvasu – the Jupiter ruled Nakshatras form your Mitra tara. Mitra means “friend”. This is a feel-good tara where you feel supported and nurtured.
  9. Parama Mitra – This is a set of 3 constellations that are in trines to the 9th Nakshatra from your Janma Nakshatra. If your Janma Nakshatra is Magha then Jyestha, Revati and Ashlesha – the mercury ruled Nakshatras form your Parama Mitra tara. Parama Mitra means “Best friends” – This is a great time to deal with the crowd or community as you feel supported and welcomed. 
Chandrabala is the lunar strength or the strength of the transit Moon calculated based on your natal moon.
Count from the sign where your Moon is placed to the sign where the Moon is currently transiting, if the count is 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11 then the Chandrabala is present and it is auspicious, if not it is absent.

1 Comment

  1. Veneta MatevaREPLY
    Wonderful article, very useful, thank you! One question-what determines the 2nd, the 4th, the 6th, the 8th and 9th tara to be positive and the rest-negative( the 1st is mixed, I believe )? What is the reason for this, I’ve been wondering for some time?

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