Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020


EventUTC TimeTime in New York*
First location to see the partial eclipse beginDec 14 at 13:33:55Dec 14 at 8:33:55 am
First location to see the full eclipse beginDec 14 at 14:32:34Dec 14 at 9:32:34 am
Maximum EclipseDec 14 at 16:13:28Dec 14 at 11:13:28 am
Last location to see the full eclipse endDec 14 at 17:54:18Dec 14 at 12:54:18 pm
Last location to see the partial eclipse endDec 14 at 18:53:03Dec 14 at 1:53:03 pm

Solar eclipse is a powerful time for meditation, contemplation, prayers, mantras, japa and other spiritual practices. It is wise to look within and tune yourself to spiritual vibrations and avoid any materialistic pursuits like moving to a new home, getting married, romantic proposals, asking favors from higher officials, financial transactions, high-value purchases, investments etc.

This is not a favorable time to make any important decisions as you may not have any clarity. Be aware of heightened emotional tides.

The moon disappears in the sky during Amavasya and a solar eclipse always happens during Amavasya (No moon) while a Lunar eclipse always happens during Purnima (full moon). 

This solar eclipse happens with the conjunction of Ketu, Sun, Moon and Mercury in Jyeshta nakshatra in the sign of Scorpio and Venus in Anuradha Nakshatra in the sign of Scorpio. Rahu will be in Mrigashira Nakshatra in the sign of Taurus. 


Do not surround yourself with people who are negative during the time of eclipses. Associate yourself with people who are vibrant and positive. Do not feel any “Lack” in your life.  The energies during eclipse are very strong, so feel positive and grateful for everything you have and stop your complaining mind with Japa, meditation and spiritual sadhana. If you are looking for prosperity in your life, then eclipse is the perfect time to align with prosperity instead of focusing our attention on what we do not have.


  1. Take a shower before and after the eclipse. If you are unable to take a shower, take some water chant Aum Namah Shivaya thrice and sprinkle it on your head. – Do not bathe during the eclipse
  2. It is best to fast during the time of the eclipse.
  3. Do not eat food that is exposed to the eclipse, please cook fresh food after the eclipse. 
  4. Do not commence any new projects during this time.

Here are some generic rituals you can do.

  1. Perform few minutes of Pranayama every single day. Moon (the planet that depicts our mind and longevity) rules the North West direction and the deity of the NW direction is Vayu (The wind God), Vayu rules the Nakshatras as well. So pranayama is your secret power during this period. 
  2. Meditate every day. Ketu is known as the Moksha karaka (significator of moksha or liberation). So when you meditate it strengthens your Ketu.
  3. Chant Aum Namah Shivaya as many times as you possibly can starting today. When you chant it during the eclipse time, it is extremely powerful.
  4. Listen to Sri Rudram. You can recite it or just meditate on it. 
  5. Recite, listen to or meditate on Ganesha Atharvasirsha.
  6. Chant the Durga Mantra “Aum Dum Durgaye Namaha” 108 times.
  7. Homa or japa to Narasimha or Durga or Hanuman. Simplest homa manuals to all of them are available at the link I shared.
  8. Honor your ancestors – Pray for them, be grateful to them and seek their blessings and help. 
  9. Donate – donation done during eclipse times is extremely powerful and beneficial so do not limit yourself in what you can do to help people without expecting anything in return.
The best advice in times of change, is to hold on to the only thing that doesn’t change, and that thing is within you. In other words, the month of December is probably a good time to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and create peace in your mind. A little meditation goes a long way to smooth out the ups and downs of life

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