Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sun and Saturn conjunction

Sun and Saturn are in close relation of father & son yet they are bitter enemy of each other reason of which can be understood by the story easily available on internet, interested enthusiast could search for it. 

Saturn which rules over discipline, karma, sacrifice, servants, fear of the real world, darkness, delay, commitment, lethargy, contraction,  law, struggles, sorrow, grief, ugliness, hardness etc.

Sun is King who has significations of royalty, power, ego, pride, authority light, father, soul, fire, ambitions, government, heart, politics etc. 

Thus they both have opposite nature and controls.

Effects of Sun Saturn conjunction

  • Native having Sun and Saturn combination or in mutual aspect may not have good relation with the father, there will be difference of opinion between the native and father. When they sit together for any discussion or suggestion that conversation will turn into heated argument and criticism.

  • Person with Sun Saturn conjunction in horoscope  will love and respect his father when they are apart but unable to reflect or show. Generally some incident or issue happens in life or is supposed to be done by the native or father which has long lasting impact and thus friction starts.

  • Progress of the native as well his/her father will be hindered when they are living together under one roof. They will feel stagnant as well as obstructed in their respective careers and growth of life. Success comes to them rather late in life.
  • Sun afflicted by Saturn usually make native highly ambitious but on other hands they are not able to stick & focus to one aim, virtually they tend to act like headless person on some occasions.
  • Males & females may have issues or trouble while dealing with the authorities and government, any work where government is involved would be rarely completed on the single go. Troubles from servants and low caste people is also encountered by the native.

  • Sun represents Self Confidence. When Sun is conjunct with Saturn, it will inhibit and lower the self confidence of the person specially when Sun is also debilitated

  • When Saturn is associated with Sun, it causes haughtiness among natives. The Ego of Sun is hurt by the harsh reality of Saturn. They will feel that they are burdened with so many responsibilities or duties. This will also make the person mature at an early age. Sun and Saturn conjunction makes a native toil hard in Life specially for the house where this combination is occurred.

  • Planet Sun is also significator for self-confidence so when Saturn Sun Conjunction occurs then native begins to doubt his capabilities and strengths, it creates a kind of dilemma within self and hence confidence of the gets shaken



For Japa - The Following Shani Mantras are Good

Shani Bija Mantra
Om Sham Shanishwaraya Namah

Shani Tantric mantra
Om pram Preem Proum Sah Shanishcharay Namah

शनि स्तोंत्र
ॐ नीलांजन समाभासं रवि पुत्रं यमाग्रजम |
छायामार्तंड संभूतं तं नमामि शनैश्चरम ||

Read more

Moksha Mantra and Maha Mrityujaya Mantra
Om Tryambhakam yajamahe sugnadhim pushivardhan 
Urvarukamiva bandhanan mrityor moksheya mamratat Om

Powerful Shani Mnatra

Om shanno devirabhistaya aapo bhavantu peetaye,
Shan yora bhistravantu naha

We worship the three-eyed one (Shiva) who is fragrant and nourishes all beings. Just as a cucumber falls from its creeper and is detached from bondage, so Shiva will help us liberate the soul from death and find moksha (self-realisation) and amrita (the nectar of immortality).
This is also known as the moksha mantra and chanted by those who are seeking self- realisation and moksha. It is one of the best mantras for Panchanga shuddhi as it bestows long life, peace, wealth, prosperity, satisfaction and immortality. It helps those who are ill, or who suffer from fears, depression and worry.
This is one of the mantras constantly given by Parashara for remedial measures. Specially good for all Shani upaya.

How to plan the Mantras and Japa practice

You should set aside time daily to do your mantra practice. If you are doing yoga or meditation, these can be added to them. You should sit in a lotus or half lotus pose facing east in the morning or north in the evening. The early morning or evening is the best time for this. Doing the moksha mantra regularly is the best remedy.
Weekly, you should do a planned japa, using any of the mantras and repeating them at least 108 times. Make a commitment and stick to it. If you can commit to a daily japa, then do so. Otherwise weekly is good.
The main thing to remember is to do them with devotion with your mind involved in the practice. Focus on the clearing of your inner energy and slowly you will find that the blocks clear and the light becomes stronger.
Do remember that it takes time. Do not expect instant results.

Daan - Donation - Giving your time, support and money

Donation to the right causes is considered one of the most important remedial measures. You can donate your time and give support and money to worthy causes. Making the world a better place for others is an excellent way to cleanse your past karma and good remedy for Saturn. If you cannot afford to give financially, give time. Supporting the poor and giving towards education and knowledge are two very worthy causes. You must give often. Giving on your birthday, the monthly tithi day and at important festivals is a good time. But donation must be done regularly and should become part of your life. Also you cannot lead a negative life now and hope to absolve everything through donation.
Sun Remedy:

1) Sun Salutation

2) Offering water to Sun

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