Sunday, March 29, 2020

Stock market investment

Parameters in Astrology for Stock Market – 

Your ascendant lord denotes the personality:
      • 2nd lord and its Lord – House of wealth
      • 5th House and its Lord – Gains through share market, stock trading and lotteries
      • 8th House and its Lord – Sudden gain
      • 9th House and its Lord – House of fortune
      • 10th House Lord – Your profession
      • 11th House Lord – House of wealth and profit
    6th and 12th – House of losses

Role of Planets In Stock Market – Advanced Stock Market Predictions

The decision to enter the stock market depends on the planets which are ruling over you. But first of all, let us know about the characteristics of planets compatible for the stock market.
Moon – This controls the mind.
Mercury – This controls the emotional psyche.
Rahu – Sudden event in life.

Combinations for Stock Market Success – AstroKapoor

  • If there is a connection between the lords of the 2nd, 5th and 11th house, the native may shine in the stock market.
  • The well-placed 2nd, 4th, 9th and 11th lords and free from malefic influences indicate the stock market.
  • The connection of 5th and 9th lords to any of the houses of 2,5,8,11 and 9 indicates good dhyana yoga or financial gain.
  • If the lords of 2nd and 11th house exchange their signs, this signifies success.
  • If Jupiter is placed in the ascendant and well aspected by lords of 2nd, 5th and 9th house indicate huge success in the stock market.
  • The placement of Jupiter and Rahu in trine or quadrant or conjoined by lords of quadrant/trine, the person may get huge success in the stock market.
  • The placement of Ketu in 11th house gives money from lottery and trading.
  • If lord of 8th house combines with Ketu in 2nd house, gives sudden money.
  • The placement of Mars and Rahu in the 11th house and having a relationship with the lord of 5th house and 9th house indicates a gain in the stock market.
  • The placement of Mars and Rahu in 2nd house and Jupiter/Venus placed in the 11th house gives a good fortune in share trading.
  • The conjunction of Moon and Mars making Chandra Mangal Yoga in the natal chart and Rahu and Mercury placed in the 11th house, the native will get good success in trading.
  • Exchange of Lord of 2nd and 11th with lords of 5th and 9th signifies great success in stock trading.

Warning for Stock Market Investment

  • If you have a heavily afflicted Moon in the natal horoscope, it indicates fickle mind and such people should not invest in stock market.
  • The placement of Lord of 8th house in the 4th/5th/9th and 10th house in the natal chart indicates losses in the stock market.
  • The placement of Sun and Rahu in the 1st/5th and 9th house in the natal chart and if not aspected by beneficial Jupiter indicates a severe loss in stock trading.
  • The placement of the lord of 5h/9th and 11th in the 12th house indicates loss in the stock market.
  • Retrograde lord of 6th and 11th house placed in the 12th house also signifies the loss in the stock market.
  • If all quadrants are not aspected by any planet and if empty and Moon is placed in the 6th/8th and 12th house, the native will face severe losses in the stock market.

Timing for Stock Market Investment

  • It is good if you invest during the Dasha and Mahadasha of the lord of the 8th house.
  • During the Dasha and Mahadasha of the lords of 5th, 9th and 11th house.
  • The transition of Jupiter and Rahu over benefic houses indicates the chances of gains from the stock market.

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