Sunday, September 10, 2023


 Krishna Janmashtimi - birth date of 8th day of eternal love; dance of merging into life

Ganesh Chaturthi - Sept 18th monday

Pitru paksha - ancestors - look back to inheritance, shraddha -offering- partof this contunuity - express our gratitude

question - Kala yuga - when did it begin - why it is?

Sat Yuga

Traita Yuga

Dwapar Yuga - decline in righteousness

Kali Yuga - moral decay, 432,000 years, start is disputed, around mahabharata

Kaal Sarpa yoga -serpentine -Naaga - posisnous - yama and damyanti - 

kali re-incarnated as Duryodhana - Shakuni - 

retrograde debilitatd grah acts as uccha

4th bhava - moksha sthana

relationship to self

main house of manas, breatjing grpund of our desire - upwards or inwards

our realtionship - our foundaion of how we stand- ground upon how the restof the chart stands

Sthamba - ascendant - it is planted in teh 4th bhava

There is always a room for Guru Kripa. No Jyotish is 100%

Serving for Satuurn

strong 9th lord - recommendation along with it

understanding destiny pattern and hving  a great insight


manas disturbance

Mercury disturbance

birth trauma

Sravana nakshtra disturbance

overcome conditioned thoughts from childhood

BIrth trauma

ways of identifying the graha that you will look into ot

psycology of the graha - things of the graha - where it will be problematic

chart should be able to point out where those conditioned thoughts - restimulating - helping them understsnd their own satvik nature

even great swami - wild damage child - is still there- satvik bhuddhi - instant takeover

notice where the planets to your sleeping podsition


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