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Venus Retrograde: July 22 to September 3, 2023
A time to heal the past and reconnect with your soul’s highest expression
In North and South America, Venus will station retrograde
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Venus Retrograde: July 22 to September 3, 2023
A time to heal the past and reconnect with your soul’s highest expression
In North and South America, Venus will station retrograde on July 22. Currently, Venus is moving more and more slowly in preparation for this transition. As I write this, we are in the pre-shadow phase of Venus retrograde. This is a good time to begin to tune-in to this very significant Venus cycle that will impact us in the coming weeks and months.
Venus Will Retrograde July 22/23 to September 3/4
Venus retrogrades for 40-43 days approximately every 18 months. The last time it retrograded was in December 2021 and January 2022. Venus will retrograde again (station retrograde) beginning on July 22 at 9:34 PM EDT. (This will be July 23 at 1:34 AM UTC.) Venus will station direct on September 3, 2023, at 9:21 PM EDT. (This will be September 4 at 1:21 AM UTC.) Use the World Time Buddy to convert to your time zone if it is different.
July 20 to 24 and September 1 to 5: Stationary Retrograde and Stationary Direct Venus - Caution Advised
When Venus stations retrograde or direct, it can evoke powerful feelings and events. People tend to act impulsively at these times, and societal upheaval may seem worse than usual. The powerful stationary phases of Venus will resonate for a few days on either side of the retrograde and direct stations. Therefore, caution is advised from July 20 to 24, and from September 1 to 5.
Venus Will Retrograde in Leo and Cancer: Memorable Events Will Occur
When Venus stations retrograde, it will be transiting at four degrees of Leo. During its 43-day retrograde cycle, Venus will move back through the first four degrees of Leo and into the last twelve degrees of Cancer. It will station direct at 18 degrees of Cancer.
For those with important natal chart points or planets in the early degrees of Leo, or in the last twelve degrees of Cancer, and especially near 4 degrees of Leo and 18 degrees of Cancer, memorable events may occur in the days around either of the Venus stations.
Another way of describing this is that the retrograde shadow area extends from 18 degrees of Cancer to 4 degrees of Leo. If this section overlays favorable houses or planets in a natal or mundane chart, Venus’s retrograde period can be positive. If this section overlays less favorable houses or planets in a natal or mundane chart, there may be some potentially challenging effects. This is a topic that I have been and will continue discussing in my professional practice with clients.
The impact of Venus retrograde will continue to unfold until early October. This is because the retrograde shadow period of Venus began on June 18 and will extend until October 6. During the pre-retrograde shadow time (from June 18 to July 22), we may get a glimpse of what is to come in the Venus retrograde period. During the post-retrograde shadow period (from September 3 to October 6), the effects of any significant related events may continue to reverberate.
Venus Will Station Retrograde in Magha Nakshatra Conjunct Regulus: Important Changes for Those in Power and For Relationships in General
When Venus stations retrograde, it will conjoin the fixed star Regulus in Magha nakshatra, an asterism of stars which extend from zero to 13 degrees and 20 minutes of Leo. Ruled by the Moon’s South Node Ketu, Magha nakshatra can point to important beginnings and endings for families, those in religious and spiritual organizations, and especially for those in positions of authority and power.
Regulus, Leo, and Magha are all associated with governance of the Self. Since Venus is the planet that relates to love and relationship, many kinds of relationships will come up for review in this retrograde period. Some will be renegotiated and some may end. This could happen any time during this retrograde cycle and all the way through the shadow of it up to October 6. The days around the retrograde and direct stations of Venus will probably be most intense.
How to Make it Through the Venus Retrograde Cycle
Venus retrograde is a time of renewal and reorientation of our vital and creative energies, and of our relationships, feelings, and values. It is a time to reassess our commitments and to reconnect with the deepest desires and creative urges of our soul.
Venus retrograde is generally a good time to work on clearing emotional blocks, and it is especially true in this case as Venus will retrograde in Cancer, a sign of emotional healing. If we feel mistreated, in conflict, unacknowledged, dissatisfied, or otherwise alienated, now would be a great time to clear up these issues and focus on self-improvement
Cancer is the sign of the mother and family, and also represents issues with security and safety, so these may also be areas to focus on and rectify during the Venus retrograde cycle.
Constellations of Leo, Cancer, and Gemini
Each retrograde period repeats similar themes that transpired eight years before, when Venus retrograded in nearly the same area of the zodiac. This current eight-year cycle mirrors the one in July, August, and early September of 2015. Venusian themes may resurface from that period in order to be further integrated or concluded.
Venus retrograde periods are an especially important time for those running Venus dashas, and for those who are ruled by Venus (Taurus or Libra Ascendant or Sun or Moon in these signs). The houses as well as natal and transiting planets that Venus is influencing in a birth chart are key areas for analysis, as are the houses that Venus rules in the birth chart and the houses where it is transiting.
During Venus retrograde and shadow periods, it is common for people from the past to resurface. Interacting with these people can help us complete and reconcile anything that was left unresolved from the past.
It is often said that a new relationship forged under Venus retrograde will not have a chance, though I feel this is not always true and will depend on multiple other factors seen in the natal and progressed charts of an individual, mundane, or business entity.
A retrograde Venus cycle, especially during the days around its direct station, may be a good time to resolve financial, business, or legal matters that are already in process. It may be a good time to refinance a loan or to create a new financial budget.
The retrograde cycle is okay for monitoring and continuing current investments, and it is good for researching new investments. It is not, however, good for actually making new investments or business deals. Additionally, gambling and speculation are not advised during this period.
We should avoid purchasing vehicles or luxury items like art or jewelry when Venus is retrograde, though some astrologers have suggested that used items like pre-owned vehicles or antiques might be considered a good purchase if their true value is not determined.
Venus retrograde can be a great time for redecorating your home, and for beauty and spa treatments, but not for surgical cosmetic procedures. It is also not a good time for an engagement or a marriage!
The Mysterious 584-Day Synodic Cycle of Venus and the Mystic Rose: Symbol of Divine Love and Harmony
The synodic cycle of Venus is 584 days. This cycle represents the time it takes for Venus to be seen again from the Earth in the same position it occupied previously with respect to the Sun.
Consecutive synodic cycles of Venus create a beautiful and complex five-pointed or five-petaled pattern, often described as a mandala, pentagram, or a rose. This sacred geometric form symbolizes the universal heart chakra. This is a conduit for divine love and harmony, the most powerful force in the Universe and the highest expression of Venus in astrology.
August 13: The Inferior Conjunction of Venus - Sowing New Seeds
Venus always begins its new 584-day cycle at its inferior (or interior) conjunction with the Sun. This special event occurs when Venus is retrograde and closest to the Earth. The inferior conjunction of Venus is also referred to as the “New Venus.”
Inferior conjunction: Venus between Sun and Earth August 13. Thank you to EarthSky.org for the above image.
The inferior conjunction or New Venus always occurs midway through the Venus retrograde period. It will occur on August 13 this year:
A New Venus cycle opens when the Sun and Venus meet in inferior conjunction. It is a moment when the Venusian faculties of emotion and evaluation are impressed with what Dane Rudhyar calls a "new quality of will and purpose." But the new quality of Venusian response and meaning does not become realized all at once. It is rather gradually translated from potentiality to actuality throughout the 584-day Venus cycle. (Michael R. Meyer,Venus Morning Star - Venus Evening Star; AstroDienst)
The New Venus is a time for metaphorically sowing new seeds related to our values, desires, and priorities. But before we reach this point, we have to navigate the first three weeks of the retrograde period leading up to the inferior conjunction. These weeks are an especially opportune time to reflect on the past and to re-evaluate what is most important to us, related to any of our undertakings, relationships, and most importantly, the inner workings of our lives.
During the three weeks following the inferior conjunction, we may slowly start to become aware of any new changes stirring within. Then, the midpoint of the 584-day Venus cycle will occur next June 2024, when the superior (or exterior) conjunction of Venus will occur on the far side of the Sun. This is sometimes called the Full Venus, which marks a culmination and turning point related to whatever was established at the New Venus.
August 7 to 21: Venus Combust - Vulnerability and Frustration Versus Spiritual and Psychological Renewal
Venus will be invisible (combust the Sun) for about a week before and a week after its inferior conjunction with the Sun, from around August 7 to 21. During this period, we should be extra mindful to manage our emotions and avoid unnecessary conflict.
Ancient astrologers believed that when Venus was retrograde and combust, the world would be steeped in grief, agitation, and anxiety, the people would suffer from extremely hot weather patterns, and the kings (leaders) would experience turmoil and loss in their personal lives as well as throughout their kingdoms.
A similar Venus combustion cycle occurred in Leo and Cancer eight years ago in 2015. It was time of unrest, financial woes, wars, explosions, fires, transportation accidents, and violence. As one example, the summer of 2015 was an extremely difficult time in Greece at the height of its debt crisis.
On a more constructive note, the mythic goddess is said descend to the underworld during the retrograde and combust Venus cycle. This emblematically represents a period of reflection, release, and spiritual renewal for those who strive in that direction.
The above is a Venus Yantra by Jen Jones of Karma by Design: Vaastu Inspired Yantras — “A yantra is a devotional drawing or painting of a mathematical composition that represents a scientific or spiritual meaning. The yantra is an image of energy as a form. It brings what is subtle and unseen into a vibrational form that can be visualized. On a deeper level you can view the yantra as a visual of your own heart. It helps those who wish to meditate but have a hard time focusing. Gazing with a focus on the center, one relaxes and uses breath as a way of slowing down to enter the mandala. It is a meditative tool into relaxation, balance, and finding your true self from within.” Using this will be a wonderful remedy for the Venus retrograde cycle!” Thank you, Jen!
August 21: The Heliacal Rise of Venus in Its Transition from Evening Star to Morning Star
During its retrograde cycle, Venus will be transitioning from its Evening Star apparition to its Morning Star apparition. It will seem to disappear from the evening sky around August 7. It will reappear in the morning sky around August 21, which is known as the Heliacal Rise of Venus. These dates will vary slightly depending on one’s geographical location.
In ancient mundane astrology, the Heliacal Rise of Venus as Morning Star was associated with danger, accidents, disasters, disclosure of misconduct among those in positions of power, or even their fall or collapse. It can be a time of revelations as well as dramatic events.
Venus will remain as the Morning Star until March 2024. Then it will disappear for some time and reemerge as the Evening Star again. In ancient Babylonian astrology, Venus (Ishtar) was the embodiment of love and peace when it was in its Evening Star apparition, and was the personification of struggle and war in its Morning Star apparition.
In a natal birth chart, the Venus Morning and Evening Star phases certainly do have their own unique expressions. This is a very complex topic you may want to read more about in an article by Humanistic astrologer Michael R. Meyer on Khaldea.com. In terms of the mundane astrology effects of Morning Star versus Evening Star, I have not researched this subject in depth. However, in my experience, struggle and war always seem to be occurring somewhere in the world no matter the phase of Venus.
To summarize, in the current and upcoming Venus cycle, we will have a special opportunity to dive deep within our hearts to renew our spiritual connection, to reevaluate what is really important to us, heal any insecurities, and reconnect with our soul’s highest expression.
Om. With loving reverence, I bow before Lord Venus, who is the diamond of the sky and the lord of delight, who is highly intelligent and ever benevolent, the ever-flowing font of wisdom and protection…Homag
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