Saturday, April 4, 2020

When this poisonous Virus will vanish away?

When this poisonous Virus will vanish away?
On the day of Solar eclipse on 26th December 2019, by the afflicted position of the Sun in Mula star, facing with enemy planet Ketu taken placement in Sagittarius. This was happened during the morning hours at the beginning of solar eclipse. 6 planets are afflicted by Ketu in that sign on that day. They are Mercury (commerce), Moon (daily routine of people), Sun (the Governments), Jupiter (economy of the world) and Saturn (mass people). This astrological effect might have started while the Sun entered in Sagittarius around the middle of December 2019; but later during eclipse it triggered the outbreak of a dangerous poisonous Virus in Wuhan resulted the collapse of trades all over the world, blockage of commuting of people, shocking the Governments of many countries, downfall in economy of the world and people become sick and afraid of this disease.
On the above said date and time the most powerful and poisonous planet Rahu was transiting in its own star Arudra 3rd pada in the sign Gemini. Its Navamsa position was in Aquarius – the closed sign and fixed sign. By this effect the poisonous virus was not revealed to the world; the seriousness of this disease might have not felt at that time due to the Navamsa position of Rahu is in a sthira Rasi / fixed sign.
The airy sign and dual sign Gemini indicates bird. By the effects of bird “bat” eaten by snake; followed by the snake meat eaten by the humans this “poisonous virus” transformed from bird to animal and then from animal to human.
Why this disease started / occurred first in China? Chinese have the habit of eating meat snakes and also with half boiled meats of animals and birds. So this dangerous virus transformed from bats to snakes and from snakes to human in China. Another valid reason is in China’s birth chart Ascendant and Moon sign are one and the same sign Capricorn. Rahu transits in Gemini – the 6th house from Ascendant and Moon sign enabled to this disease occur in China and spread vastly as Rahu’s nature is expanding anything abundantly. Moreover as per China’s chart 6th house lord Roha Sthanathipathi Mercury’s Mahadasa and Mercury’s Antardasa is influencing currently. The combined impact of all the 9 planets and Mundane Astrology’s connection with Chinese Country created this disease in China is an undoubted reality! Therefore Astrology is Scientific is Obvious!!
The 3rd sign / house of the Kala Purusha Chakra / Zodiac, the sign Gemini indicates neck and throat parts of human body. Arudra is the star of lord Shiva. Since he drunk the poison to save the world he is known as “Neela Kantan”. The planet Rahu not only indicates snakes, but also signifies all poisonous insects and viruses. So Rahu by transiting in own star Arudra started the sickness in humans’ throat by this poisonous virus. Since Rahu is a mysterious and slow moving planet the malefic effects of this poisonous virus not known or experienced immediately like some other diseases.
When will this poisonous Virus disappear or vanish away?
Mrigashira star is ruled by Mars. (In Sanskrit the term “Mriga” means “Animal” that is Deer; the term “Shira” means “Head”). Symbol of this star is “head of Deer”. Lord Shiva holds a “Deer” on his hand. While Rahu transits in Mrigashira star, it will come under the control of the Lord Shiva. Rahu transits in Mrigashira star 4th pada between 20.05.2020 and 22.07.2020. 4th pada of Mrigashira falls in Scorpio in Navamsa chart where Rahu is debilitated as per ”Uttara Kalamrita” written by the sage Kalidasa. This means poisonous Rahu will lose its strength to its lowest level. Since Scorpio is a sthira Rasi / fixed sign almost spreading effects of poisonous virus will come to a halt globally.
Mars is the planet which indicates medicines particularly injective medicines. Mars will transit in Pisces – the 12th house of Zodiac between 18.06.2020 and 16.08.2020. 12th house indicates medical treatments and also research. After returning from Capricorn Jupiter will be transiting in Sagittarius between 30.06.2020 and 20.11.2020. This is the 9th house of Zodiac which indicates good medicines for cure since it is the “Sukha Sthana” (4th house) from “Roha Sthana” (6th house). Mars’s 4th aspect and Jupiter’s 7th aspect to weakened Rahu shows the possibilities of invention of injective medicines for curing / preventing disease caused by this poisonous virus.
Therefore by the Grace of Gods Dhakshinamurthi or Brahma (overlord of Jupiter) and Murugha (overlord of Mars) between mid-June 2020 and mid-August 2020 scientists will find the medicine to stop this poisonous virus from spreading. On 04.08.2020 Venus (Shukracharya) will cross over Rahu in Gemini which is aspected by Jupiter from Sagittarius and Mars from Pisces. Shukracharya is well known for his “Sanjeevini” medicine to give back the life to a dead person! When “Asura Guru Venus” crossing over “Asura Rahu” this poisonous killer virus menace will come to end!! This is like giving a medicine (anti venom to control venom) to a sufferer of this poisonous virus!!!
This poisonous Virus will disappear around August 2020! Then the World will survive by the Grace of God!!
I thank my Astrology Guru and Great Researcher of Astrology Tiruppur Sri.Gopalakrishnan Ji for blessing me knowledge in Astrology!
Astrologer B.Seethapathi 04.04.2020.

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