Friday, February 9, 2018

Panchang Shuddhi

From your natal moon, ie Rasi, if the moon is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th sign then it is bad and on that day your chandra balam is bad or no chandrabalam. All other places moon has chandrabaam. 8th is the worst.
Tarabalam Tarabalam – Strength of Constellation. – The constellation ruling at the time of birth is one’s Janmanakshatra or birth star and the zodiacal sign in which the Moon is situated at the time of one’s birth is one’s Janma Rasi or Birth Moon. These are highly important. Count from the birth constellation to the one ruling on the particular day on which a new work is to be done or a journey undertaken and divide the number by 9 if divisible. Otherwise keep it as it is. If the remainder is 1 (janma) it indicates danger to body; if 2 (sampat) wealth and prosperity; if 3 (vipat) dangers, losses and accidents; if 4 (kshema) prosperity; if 5 (pratyak) obstacles; if 6 (sadhana) realisation of ambitions; if 7 (naidhana) dangers; if 8 (mitra) good; and if 9 (parama mitra) very favourable.
1.    Janma Tara: Causes  Worry
2.    Sampat Tara : Gain of wealth
3.    Vipat Tara : Disputes
4.    Kshema Tara: Gains in Business etc
5.    Pratyak Tara : Harm to the work
6.    Sadhana Tara : Happiness
7.    Naidhana Tara : Monetary Loss
8.    Mitra  Tara : Good happiness
9.    Parama Mitra Tara: Very good happiness
Tarabalam details bellow for your information only.
To calculate tarabalam one must calculate position of daily nakshatra from your Janma nakshatra (both nakshatra inclusive). Divide that by 9. If the reminder is 2,4,6,8,9 or 0 then it’s good otherwise it’s bad, ie, 3,5,7 to be avoided.
1.Janma (Birth) Tara – The Janma (birth star) Nakshatra, the 10th from Janma nakshatra also known as Karna nakshatra and the 19th from Janma nakshatra known as Adhana nakshatra constitute this Tara.
2.Sampat Tara – The 2nd the 11th and the 20th Nakshatras counted from Janma nakshatra constitute this Tara.
3.Vipat Tara – The 3rd, the 12th and the 21st stars counted from Janma nakshatra constitute this Tara.
4.Kshema Tara – The 4th, the 13th and the 22nd Nakshatras counted from the janama nakshatra constitute this Tara.
5.Pratyak Tara – The 5t, the 14th, and the 23rd nakshatras from Janma nakshatra constitutes this Tara.
6.Sadhaka Tara – The 6th, the 15th, and the 24th nakshatras from Janma nakshatra constitutes this tara.
7.Nidhana Tara – The 7th, the 16th, and the 25th nakshatras from the Janma nakshatra constitutes this tara.
8.Mitra Tara – The 8th, the 17th and the 26th nakshatras from Janma nakshatra constitute this tara.
9.Ati or Parama Mitra Tara – The 9th, the 18th and the 27th nakshatras from Janma nakshatra constitutes this tara.
It is better to avoid Vipat and Naidhana stars for all important undertakings – long journeys, marriage, starting of an enterprise, etc., even if such a star happens to fall in the 3rd-cycle, unless there are other counteracting factors.
When choice is limited – if the day is otherwise favourable, only the negative parts of these unfavourable constellations may be avoided. Thus, in the Janma, Vipat, Pratyak and Naidhana constellations, the first 7, 3, 8 and 6 ghatis respectively may be  avoided.The Rishis go to the extent of saying that even if unfavourable combinations are present – the ruling constellation and the position of the Moon are all adverse, Pushya has the power of neutralising these evil forces and asserting its benefic nature. BUT Pushya, it is inauspicious for purposes of marriage.

Panchanga Suddhi. – We have already said that a Panchanga consists of tithi, vara, nakshatra. yoga and karana. All these must be auspicious.

 In regard to lunar days, the 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th and 14th, full and new moon days should be avoided. 

In regard to vara, Thursday and Friday are held to be suitable for all works. Tuesday, is to be generally avoided except when it happens to be the 10th, 12th or 16th day of the child’s birth when the child’s Namakarana (baptising or giving name) may be performed. 

Of the several Nakshatras, Bharani and Krittika should be avoided for all auspicious works as these two are said to be presided over by the god of death (Yama) and the god of fire (Agni) respectively.

 In urgent cases if the Lagna could be fortified, the dosha due to nakshatra may get neutralised. 

The last parts of Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revati should also be avoided. 

Coming to the Yoga (vide page 12) the 6th (Atiganda). 9th (Soola). 10th (Ganda), 17th (Vyatipata) and 27th (Vydhruti) have deleterious effects upon events which are started or commenced under them. – The 

Karana chosen must be appropriate to the election in view. Thus Bava is auspicious for starting works of permanent importance while Thaithula is propitious for marriage. Bhadra is unfit for any good work but is eminently suitable for violent and cruel deeds. For getting initiation into kshudra mantras Sakuni Havana is propitious
Rahukalam Yamagandam & Varjyam:

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