Slokas 26 and 27 of Phaladeepika mention about one specific and very strong astrology yoga called as Saraswati Yoga. The Yoga is formed on the basis of three planets namely Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
But first of all, let me elaborate a bit on the meaning of “Saraswati”. Many of you will already be aware of its meaning; but for those who don’t know, a little explanation will be good. “Saraswati” is the name of Indian Hindu Goddess of learning, art, knowledge, wisdom and music; and, in India people with high level of brilliance and wisdom are said to be blessed by mother Saraswati. She is the daughter of Brahma, the Creator; and, those who want to achieve success in learning, knowledge and wisdom are suggested to pray for her blessings. I hope this brief explanation of the term, “Saraswati” would have provided ample idea about the influence and might of the Yoga.
Saraswati Yoga is formed when the following four conditions are met in the Lagna/natal chart:
:– Mercury is occupying first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth or tenth house of the Lagna Chart.
:– Venus is occupying first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, or tenth house of the Lagna Chart.
:– Jupiter is occupying first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth or tenth house of the Lagna Chart.
:– Jupiter is either occupying its own rashi or exalted or in friendly sign.
Conclusively, all three planets (Mercury, Venus and Jupiter) should either be in first or second or fourth or fifth or seventh or ninth or tenth house; they can be together or separate; and, one special and additional condition for Jupiter is that it should either be in its own sign or exalted or in friendly signs.
The results of Saraswati Yoga are mentioned in sloka number 27 as per which the native born with Saraswati Yoga in the Lagna Chart will be very intelligent; will be proficient in prose and verse and play writing; and, will also be well versed in rhetoric science. He will be a scholar and proficient in mathematics. He will be skilled in poetry and narrative compositions of Sacred texts. He will also be extremely wealthy and fortunate; and, will also be blessed with happiness in marriage and family life (good wife and son). Persons born with such Yoga (Saraswati Yoga) are very fortunate, famous and honored by the Kings (Authorities).
Thus, this single yoga has been told to be auspicious for overall aspects of life (including education, career, finance, family and fame).
However, the on ground applicability of this Saraswati Yoga may not be very satisfying or appealing; and, one may find many poor or less educated or unsuccessful people having this yoga in their horoscope. The reason is the same (as has been highlighted in my previous articles) i.e. for optimum results of a Yoga, the dispositions of the concerned planets in Lagna Chart are also required to be backed up with their disposition in Navamsha; and, in addition to this, the basic nature of the planets (generating yoga for the respective Lagna) as well as operating planetary periods may also have a significant role to play.
Let us understand this with the aid of some examples.

This is the horoscope of Eddie Arcaro (19 February 1916 @ 3:30 PM Cincinnati, Ohio, USA) who was a multi-millionaire and the most famous jockey in American history. Jupiter is occupying its own rashi in ninth house of his Lagna Chart; and, also joined by exalted Venus. Mercury is in seventh house (joined by Rahu) of his Lagna Chart; and, therefore, all the requisite conditions for Saraswati Yoga are being addressed in his Lagna Chart. While, he was blessed with fame and wealth, he couldn’t acquire proper education and started working by the age of 13 (as a golf caddy at the local country club). I am not going into details about the astrological reasons behind the wealth and fame in his Lagna Chart as such besides the apparent presence of Saraswati Yoga, there are many other factors in his horoscope. However, I may like to draw your attention towards the astrological reasons due to which he couldn’t acquire even average education despite the presence of Saraswati Yoga in his Lagna Chart.
So, first of all, the basic nature of all three planets for Karka Lagna (Cancer Ascendant) is to be taken into consideration as per which Mercury is not a friendly planet for Karka Lagna (Cancer Ascendant); and, Venus’s role is also limited towards supporting its own houses and general attributes while, its influence on/for other planets/houses may not be much supportive.
Yes, I can understand your dilemma; how come the lord of fourth and eleventh houses (Venus) may create problems for the other houses/planets in Karka Lagna? Some of you may say or think, “ I have read somewhere or I have heard somewhere or so’n’so world famous astrologer does not adhere to this concept (Venus is not a friendly planet for Karka Lagna)”.
Well, guys all I can say is that just find ten or twenty horoscopes of known people who are having Karka Lagna with exalted Venus in their ninth house; and, simply ask them about their relationship with their parents and spouse. Very likely, most of them may not be having any pleasant experiences (specifically during the Mahadasa of Venus). Vedic astrology is a very vast ocean of knowledge; and, different people or astrologers may have different views or opinions about some specific concepts. I cannot and may not like to address why some other person or book is having different opinion than mine; and, all I can do, is to share what I could comprehend from the ancient and authentic texts (like Phaladeepika). And, as per my understanding of vedic astrology, Venus is not a friendly planet for Karka Lagna and only under certain very limited conditions it (Venus) can generate unblemished positive results for Karka Lagna (Cancer Ascendant).
Anyway, coming back to our core discussion; both Mercury and Venus are not friendly for Karka Lagna; while, Jupiter’s presence in ninth house (in its own rashi/zodiac) is good and supportive. The affliction of Rahu on Mercury (via union); and, the aspectual influences of Ketu and Saturn on Jupiter + Venus union are not auspicious and disturbing the positive attributes of all these planets. Thus, while the Yoga (Saraswati Yoga) is apparently present; the concerned planets are afflicted due to which full and clean results of their disposition may not take place.