Tuesday, July 30, 2019

New Moon on July 31st

New moon also known as “Amavasya” is the day when the Moon merges completely with the Sun. On July 31st/August 1st we have the new moon in the sidereal sign of Cancer which is the home of the Moon and in the nakshatra (asterism) called “Pushya”.

New moon is at 
Begins - 02:27 AM, Jul 31
Ends - 11:11 PM, Jul 31

## New Moon Rituals
1. Pushya is ruled by Saturn the disciplinarian and the deity of Pushya nakshatra is Brihaspati the divine priest. Mantra chanting, meditation and spiritual practices are extremely effective during this time. You can chant the simple yet powerful Shiva mantra “Aum Namah Shivaya” 108 times or more as new moon is dedicated to Lord Shiva.

2. Pushya is the star of nourishment, and on the new moon day it is important to nourish your inner self. It is time to take a step back, pause and reflect on the month that has gone by and plan for the month ahead. 

3. Keep yourself hydrated. Most of us may experience lethargy and tiredness during this time. We may feel the lack of motivation to get things done. Be in total acceptance and just let it be. This is primarily because Mars the planet of passion and action is at it’s lowest point (debilitation). 

4. Perform the Brihaspati Sadhana mentioned below if possible. It will help you make use of the positive aspect of Jupiter on this New Moon.

5. Write down and reflect on all that has happened in the past lunar cycle and set intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. 

6. Perform the Shunya Mudra by bending your middle finger to gently touch the bottom part of your thumb and press your thumb to support the middle finger. Extend all the other fingers. This mudra will help you clear the blocks and set you up for new beginnings. It will also help you empty your frustrations, desires, disappointments, etc to start fresh.

7. Perform Pranayama for a minimum of 10 minutes. Pushya nakshatra is ruled by Saturn which may bring in some restlessness. Pranayama is one of the most powerful remedies to handle Saturn’s restless energy.

Brihaspati Sadhana 

1. Light a lamp or a candle facing east.

2. Sit facing east.
3. Touch your head and chant the mantra “Vishvamitra Rishihi”
4. Touch your nose and chant the mantra “Gayatri Chandaha”
5. Touch your heart and chant the mantra “Brihaspati Devata”
6. Then say this line “Brihaspati Jape Viniyogaha”.
7. Touch the middle part of your little finger with your thumb while chanting the mantra.
8. Now chant the Brihaspati Gayatri mantra 11, 27, 54 or 108 times.
वृषभं चर्षणीनां विश्वरूपमदाभ्यम्। बृहस्पतिंवरेण्यम्॥ Vrshabham Charshaniinaam Vishvaruupamadaabhyam Brihaspatim Varenyam - [Brihaspati Gayatri Mantra - Rig Veda | For Memory, Concentration & Wealth - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIHwh0F2WNY) You may check this link for pronunciation.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How to deal with the difficult month of July, August, and September

The astrology is heavier now  and we are going to have to stay disciplined with exercise, yoga and diet or we will suffer more. It seems more difficult with Saturn retrograde until Sept. 18th as Saturn’s energy is stronger and finally Saturn and Ketu separate enough by 3 degrees or more as we move into the 2nd week of October and so things will lighten up.

 Find ways to combat depression by doing more exercise, meditation, positive self-talk, yoga. The tree pose in yoga  will help bring in more solar energy into the crown chakra and even a simple touching the toes exercise will stimulate the solar plexus which may be a bit imploded by this transit so it digestion may be sluggish and stomach fire or weak agni.

Avoid staying alone and get out with people which stimulates the Libra energy and that will help any isolation and depression.  Seek help from a professional if it gets severe.   Have to get out and exercise and move.   Avoid heavy foods like cheeses that clog the live and weigh down system and drink more raw juices and eat more salads to increase prana in the system.

Here are some reminders.  So much suffering can be short-circuited if we are disciplined:
So how do we deal with difficult transits and what can we do when karma comes back and either we or those around us are suffering?

1) This is a time to be disciplined about our meditation practice,  yoga and other spiritual practices as these lighten the burden and give us more strength to deal with everything. The tendency is to skip that which is good for us when we are challenged but that’s like taking off a winter coat when its below zero.   Hanuman Chalisa (on You Tube) can give your courage and energy to increase the Mars energy and overcome Saturn. 

2) Donate time and money to help those in need. This is one way to address karma and by getting out of our own stuff, we feel better and move through our own karma.  On Saturdays donate to the poor and homeless and to orphanages and to the blind.
3) Be disciplined with diet and exercise. The tendency is to use food to cover up difficult emotions or skip exercise because we feel tired or lazy. So much illness (6th house) can be overcome if we are disciplined doing what is good for us. Avoid addictive behaviors and non-life-supporting actions especially now. The tendency is to what to escape but usually this leads to more difficult problems quickly.
4) Spend time with spiritual knowledge, attend spiritual gatherings and hang around with positive people at this time. Avoid violent TV and film and ranting TV moderators.
5) Do transformational healing work to move through these energies and uncover why these patterns are up and how you can heal them.
6) Know this will all pass and that the planets are puppeteers pulling their strings and if we understand what is happening, we do not have to buy into it and beat ourselves up.  It seems more difficult with Saturn retrograde until Sept. 18th as Saturn’s energy is stronger and finally Saturn and Ketu separate enough by 3 degrees or more as we move into the 2nd week of October and so things will lighten up.

Astrological Transits:

Saturn is weak in transit until early October at least  being very close to Ketu and one of the by-products is depression.  Whenever the moon goes through Saturn or Ketu-owned nakshatras which 6/27 times a month, it will be triggered and other planets going through Saturn or Ketu nakshatras will trigger in now.  The Sun is in Pusyha owed by Saturn and will be there until August 2nd and Venus goes into a Saturn owned nakshatra, Pushya, July 26-August 5th and Mercury goes back into that constellation, August 9-18th and even Mars goes into Ketu’s nakshatra on August 9-30th so you can see that many days, the planets are connected to Saturn or Ketu through the nakshatras and it can stir up a lot of depression and why bother energy. Moreover, Mars in Cancer does not have a lot of energy to fight and be disciplined and do things that are good to combat the energy and then we fall into bad habits.    Dismiss suicidal tendencies and talk out your problems with professionals and avoid being isolated.

Venus goes into the constellation of Pushya on July 26-August 3 where it gets connected to a strong Saturn that is afflicted in Sagittarius still by Ketu.  While the two are friends, Saturn and Venus combinations can create love with restrictions, emotional dryness, detachment or love of older people and strong business abilities. Still Venus can get frustrated with love and passion because it has too many responsibilities. The lesson with this transit is to be less selfish and less indulgent in the senses. The constellation of Pushya is one of the more auspicious ones for deep spirituality and wisdom to come out. Pushya is connected to the deity Brihaspati who has the wisdom to advise the gods and is a rival to the devata, Shukracharya, the advisor to the material world.

There is a planetary war going on here exact at 8:27 pm on Wednesday July 24th with Venus winning the war on Wednesday and then losing on Thursday July 25th.  The two planets are friends but Virgos and Geminis might have difficulties with women or spouses on Wednesday but the energy generally good for creative writing and song-writing and poetry.  Mercury will finally go direct on July 31st at 11:58 pm EDT  but will be at the end of Gemini and the beginning of Cancer in sandhi position where it has weak energy in early and late degrees.   This occurs for many days between July 27-August 5th and may create communication problems or computer issues and may lead to fatigue for Gemini and Virgo rising.

For Leo Rising/Ascendant,  July and early August are difficult times so good to go on a meditation retreat and do the inner work as the outer ambitions may be frustrating.

  • Sun moves in the zodiac sign of Cancer on Monday, July 16th, the natural house of home and supporting the “family.” Sun in Cancer is more positive in transit this year with a trine from Jupiter into August 7th exact but having a strong influence the first two weeks of August bringing more optimism and confidence. Debilitated Mars is also in Cancer but the two fire planets get along well. Still, it is a 12th house transit for Leos suggesting a need for retreat, meditation and foreign journey.

  • The end of the transit, August 14 – 16th is in the Cancer gandanta (Cancer 27-30) in the constellation of Ashlesha,  is a place where the toxins of the past are accumulating in a big knot that is difficult to untie. Deep unconscious patterns and difficult problems arise that seem daunting and filled with regrets.
  • Remember you have the power of free will in the present moment to move through into new light and do not have to live in the shadows and mistakes of the past. Let them go. They seem tangled and difficult to deal with, but you are strong enough to get through them.

Jupiter moves into exact trine with the Sun into August 8th and that means the Sundays of August 4 and 11th will be more optimistic and comforting and enthusiastic and supportive and expansive and spiritual leadership.  I think that that the movement of the Sun toward Jupiter will uplift a difficult summer and then Jupiter goes direct on August 11th and the week before and after will be more expansive and uplifting.  Mars gets out of Cancer into Leo on August 8th and that will also give a bit of energy.

Mercury Retrograde from July 7th to August 1st:

In general, Mercury's retrograde period is good for making improvements. It's not the best time to begin new things, but it is good for fixing or improving things from the past. It's like an airplane in a holding pattern. It's not time to make a landing yet, so just relax, clean up your seat area, give your empty cup to the flight attendant, and stow your things in your carry-on bag. Be patient, you'll be landing soon, and you'll be ready to start your new adventure.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Saraswati Yoga

Saraswati Yoga is formed when the Natural benefic planets Jupiter, Venus and Mercury occupy Lagna, i,e. Ascendant, 2nd, 4th ,5th ,7th ,,9th or 10th house. The Condition is Jupiter should be in it’s own sign, or exalted, or in friendly sign.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Astrological factors for a Career in Film Industry

What are the Astrological factors for a Career in Film Industry?

Vedic astrology says that strong Venus, Jupiter, Sun and the 5th house will give a successful career in this Industry. Venus shows drama, art etc, Jupiter for luck and prosperity, Sun for fame and popularity and strong 5th house shows  success through the affairs of 5th house i.e. Entertainment, Drama, Action etc..
What is Acting ? It is mimicking someone else actions . It is copying or imitating other’s actions . How that can be done ? For that , you need to have good intelligence and memory . You need to observe others actions keenly , like a camera and then record that in your memory and retrieve that to perform same action .
Therefore , core planet for Acting skills is Mercury , the planet for communication , intelligence and memory . Mercury should be connected to second house of face / voice , third house of communication and for making it a profession , it should connect to 10th house of profession and 11th house of gains to get money , name and fame .
Other planets which can add to actor’s job is Venus , which can give beautiful face or body , refined taste and glamorous look , which is much more required in camera based acting . For audio acting ( stand up comedy / radio jockey ), Mercury is enough but video acting requires Mercury as well as Venus support .
Venus alone can make you a model but not a good actor while Mercury alone can make you an acclaimed actor . Naseeruddin Shah and Om Puri are examples for being good actor ,where Venus is not that much supportive.
Action acting ( movies of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee ) would require some involvement of Mars also .

The Meaning of Exaggerated Condition

by Hank Friedman

In Vedic astrology, certain specific planetary placements are said to be "of exaggerated condition".

Exaggeration, as an attribute in Jyotisha, means overly strong or overly weak, but by examining the different types of exaggeration, much more can be understood.

Exaggerated strength occurs when there is a Bright Moon or a planet is exalted or retrograde. Exaggerated weakness happens when there is a Dark Moon or a planet participates in a planetary war, is debilitated, or combust.

[Brief definitions for the students of Jyotish: A Bright Moon is a Moon that is 6, 7, or 8 signs from the Sun, while a Dark Moon is a Moon within 72 degrees of the Sun. Planetary war occurs when any two of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn are within one degree of each other. Combustion occurs when a planet is within 6 degrees from the Sun.]

Exaggerated strength can imply being distorted, ungrounded, inflated, excessive, and egocentric.

The common story of exaltation, for example, is that you go to visit a friend, and they treat you like a king, the profoundly celebrated guest. But we are human, and too much of a good thing can go to our heads, and make us over-confident, and lead us to overestimate our value and capabilities.

Conversely, exaggeration of the negative type can mean over-reacting, hypersensitivity, lack of confidence, insecurity, and not trusting ones abilities.

Two considerations in evaluating the effects of exaggeration

1. Benefic/Malefic Nature

A benefic with exaggerated strength has a powerful uplifting effect upon the houses and planets it aspects. Any person or theme that it signifies may be both augmented and overblown.

A benefic with exaggerated weakness, on the other hand, can signify a person or theme that is impaired, and its aspect provides only minor support.

A malefic with exaggerated strength can powerfully overwhelm and disturb the planets and houses it aspects, and signify a person or theme that is excessively compelling (Mars/Sun/Rahu) or blocked (Saturn/Ketu).

A malefic with exaggerated weakness is very unhappy, and casts a pall upon the planets and houses it touches. The person and themes it represents embody an uncomfortable deficiency.
2. Pristine/Besieged Condition

I am introducing the terms "pristine" and "besieged" because they describe two states of being of a planet that have a powerful impact upon how the planet functions.

A planet in a pristine state is untouched (by conjunction or aspect) by any malefics. It is therefore fundamentally free to express itself in a completely unperturbed fashion.

A planet that is besieged, on the other hand, has no benefic aspects or conjunctions, and is aspected by or conjunct one or more malefics. The weaker the besieged planet is, and the more poorly placed, the more impact malefics will have on it. For example, if the planet is combust and in the 12th house, it will be greatly affected by the aspects of malefics.

A planet that is pristine as well as exaggerated fares quite well, because it can find balance and perspective relatively easily.

A planet that is besieged as well as exaggerated fares much more poorly, because it is more likely to become defensive, overcompensate, and react excessively.

Types of Exaggerated Strength

Exaltation: Being too full of oneself can easily happen with this placement, i.e. being "spoiled", entitled, over-reaching, and "expecting the world to fall at your feet".

Exaltation is the most "wobbly" of the exaggerated strengths because its actual strength can be illusory. If the exalted planet is debilitated in the Navamsa or if the dispositor of the exalted planet is weak then "the king has no clothes", or in other words, the person believes they have great abilities but can't fully manifest them.

Even when the planet in exaltation has its full strength, there can be too much self-reference and often too little empathy.

Jack Nicholson is an example of a person with many exaggerated planets. His Sun and Rahu are exalted, his Moon is Bright, his Ketu and Jupiter are debilitated, and his Mars and Venus in retrograde. Reports of his inflated ego have not been exaggerated!

(Note that the majority have exaggerated strength.)

Several film critics describe him as "bigger than everyone else" and one said "He thinks men have egos that overpower everything around them and appetites that require constant maintenance to be restrained." (from thisrecording.com)

Of course, a planet in exaltation can form very powerful yogas and create much success in a person's life.

Retrogradation and the Bright Moon

These exaggerated strengths can amplify the attributes of the planets, but usually without the sense of entitlement that exaltation can bring. Given that planets moving retrograde are going "against the grain" (opposite to the "normal" movement of the planets), retrogradation can bring with it a sense of different-ness, alienation, uniqueness, rebellion or willfulness, and simply being out-of-sync.

As a result, a person with prominent retrograde planets (or the Bright Moon) can be unsure of their gifts, uncertain of their reception, and may need to gain stability in their lives before they can flower.

Note: Dr. Charak has illuminated another effect of retrograde planets, that they can give rise to serious illnesses in some cases.

Helen Reddy, who has four planets retrograde, was born into an acting family and by the age of four believed she would be a star. However, the loss of a kidney prevented her from dancing. She had a very long and rocky road before her career finally took off, including a period when she walked away from it in rebellion.

Maya Angelou, on the other hand, has a Bright Moon -- in fact a Full Moon -- that represents her phenomenal talents.

While the 8th house placement of her Lagnesa, and the Mars aspect upon her Moon both reflect the challenges she had to encounter and surmount on her life journey, the Second House Moon expressed itself in her command of several languages, potency as a speaker, and champion of her culture.

Types of Exaggerated Weakness

Combustion and the Dark Moon

Since being treated as (and feeling) invisible can be frustrating and undermining, those with combust planets and the Dark Moon often feel that they have to over-perform to get any recognition at all. Combust planets have very deep and powerful gifts (due to the inner illumination by the Sun), but these gifts are often difficult to express.

Further complicating the issue is that if the Moon is close to New, the fruition of the yogas in the chart may be greatly diminished. Similarly, the themes of the houses ruled by combust planets are at least partially obstructed and impaired.

Robert Duvall was one of the few famous people with two combust planets, and because his chart has powerful Raja Yogas, he was able to achieve fame despite them. Perhaps his being a "late-bloomer", getting his breakthrough role at the age of 31, was the result of the combust planets.

Robert Downey Jr. is an excellent example of someone with a Dark Moon. His career (Moon in the Tenth House) was often in upheaval because of his unreliability, and he became infamous for his struggles with addiction. Notice that his Moon is aspected by Saturn. His father introduced him to drugs at the age of six, and his parents divorced when he was 13 years old. Surmounting his issues, he has become a very famous and well-regarded actor.

Planetary War

I was surprised to discover, from the lives of clients whose charts I've read, that people with planets in planetary war often have childhoods filled with intense strife. The magnitude of the struggles varies a great deal, depending upon the planets involved and their placement.

John Lennon has a planetary war between Lagnesa Jupiter and Saturn in his chart. His childhood was fraught with challenges, including being handed over to his aunt because his mother was taking such poor care of him, and being forced to choose between his mother and his father (losing contact with his father thereafter for 20 years)

Karen Carpenter has a more serious planetary war, because it took place in the 8th house. She had, according to a book by Randy Schmidt, a very controlling and inhibited mother who was unable to show Karen love. She developed anorexia, and died from it at the age of 32.

A planetary war calls upon the person to weather the storms of their lives as well as possible, to find the healing support of others (and receive it), and to commit to their own recovery.

Those who have planetary wars in their charts often develop great determination to surmount their histories and to succeed in life.


If a planet is debilitated (called Neecha in Jyotish), then its expression is compromised in some manner. Often, the themes represented by the planet (e.g. wisdom for Jupiter, emotions for the Moon) become sensitive areas in the person's life, i.e. not feeling wise enough (Jupiter) or feeling overly emotionally sensitive (the Moon).

The weakness of the debilitated planet can, like combustion, cause the person to overcompensate and over-perform, as well as to doubt and/or devalue the abilities that they actually have.

When a planet is debilitated, one must immediately ascertain whether the debilitation is ameliorated by the placement of the planet's dispositor.

The Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga (the breaking of the debilitation yoga) has many forms; a couple of the basic ones are that the dispositor of the debilitated planet is strong or that it aspects the debilitated planet.

Therefore, like exaltation, debilitation is much affected by the condition of its dispositor.

When Neecha Bhanga does occur, something interesting happens. The "reversal" represented by the bhanga gives the person special skills, e.g. an unusually unique and acute aesthetic sense (if Venus is neecha) or a comical, insightful, or creative communication style (for Mercury).

Notice in Fred Astaire's chart, for example, that Lagnesa is debilitated Mars. But its dispositor, the Moon, is exalted and in an angle (causing a Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga), and so Mr. Astaire's abilities proved to be unique and outstanding.

I searched and searched for someone famous who had a debilitated Lagnesa poorly placed and without benefic influence. This proved to be very difficult. Almost none of the tens of thousands of charts in my file had these conditions!

In the process, I discovered that an amazing number of successful performers have a debilitated planet in the house of performing (the 5th house) with Neecha Bhanga or the influence of a benefic.

However, one of the founders of rock and roll, Chuck Berry, came closest to meeting the criteria:

While he does have both a Dainya Parivartana Yoga between Venus and Mercury, and his Jupiter aspects his debilitated Venus, Jupiter is also debilitated, and Venus is in the 12th house.

As might be expected, Mr. Berry did have a few bumps along the road, most notably his imprisonment three times in his life. Prisons are ruled by the 12th house, and he was sent to jail twice during Venus bhuktis! 


Exaggerated strength amplifies a planet's actions and exaggerated weakness increases a planet's uncertainty. Recognizing a planet's predisposition reminds us to pause and make decisions from a place of centeredness, compassion, and spaciousness.

Exaggeration can also represent a creative force that once harnessed can be very valuable, and a sensitivity that makes one appreciate life more. 

Career themes by planet

Career themes by planet

Aside from caste stereotypes, however, a more comprehensive understanding of planetary natures can afford much greater insight into career potential. Following is a table of professions with which each planet is associated. Again, if such a planet is in any of the angular houses, it lends a bias for that type of occupation.

Administration, leadership, classical professions, accounting, architecture, engineering, law, medicine
Arts & entertainment, domestic services, esthetics, hospitality industry, nurturing professions
Security, competitions (sports, litigation), combustion, construction, dismantling, skills based on strength
Agency & brokering, business, analysis, calculation, communication
Counseling, investments, ministry, oratory, teaching, wisdom, writing
Art, adornment, beauty, culture, luxury, high-living products & services, pets, social pastimes, textiles, transportation
Time, labor, land, manufacturing, tools & machines, recycling, guarded traditions, secret endeavors, old/dead/ancient/derelict pursuits, rock/stone/inert matter
Drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, fuels, photography, computers, video games, new technologies, inventions, illusion, movies, buffoonery, fraud, occult, secrets, import/export, mysticism & metaphysics

Our analysis of a client’s career potential might be simple if only one planet occupies an angular house. In practice, however, there are often two or more angular planets. In that case, we may need to determine the relative strength of angular planets by applying certain criteria.

For example, a planet is strong in its own or exalted sign, when it has dig bala (directional strength), when retrograde, or as a full Moon. It is weak when debilitated, combust, in a planetary war (conjunct another true planet within one degree), or as a new Moon. Once we determine the relative hierarchy of angular planets, it’s often the strongest among them that will give the client a bias for a particular career.

Career themes via planetary combinations

Although a single strong planet might very well nudge the client into a certain occupation or career, in practice we expect more complexity. There are, after all, more careers to choose from than ever, and some of these are combinatorial in nature, eg, forensic accountant, prosthetic engineer, immigration lawyer.

The table below provides a list of possible careers when one or more planets occupy angular houses at the same time. The list does not account for one planet’s dominance over another, as discussed in the earlier section, although that’s something to always keep in mind.

Administration, organization, control, politics
Administration, medicine
Healing, religion, spirituality
Arts, beautification, crafts, esthetics, food, beverage
Sex, scandal, primal charisma
Construction, labor, police, military, competition, confrontation, technology, science, tools, machinery
Engineering, sports business, machinery, metal, electrical
Communication, media, acting, writing, advising, counseling, humanities
Counselor, advisor, stage acting
Heavy labor
Unusual, different, illusion, innovation, new technology

Me/Mo is writing

In the absence of angular planets

For the readers who’ve been following this thesis, and perhaps reviewing some charts in their files, questions naturally arise: What about charts whose angular planets have no strength? Worse still, what about charts which have no angular planets at all? Are those clients doomed to unemployment?

In practice, the absence of angular planets doesn’t make it impossible to identify a career, just a little more complicated. It involves looking at the chart another way, from the perspective of the ascendant, the Moon and the Sun. The resulting analysis identifies one or more “pointer” planets that subsequently identify associated career themes.

Timing of Getting job