and Jupiter are conjoined during Feb 21-March 11. Exact conjunction is on March
2nd. Both planets are strong and this can give auspicious results.
What does it mean:
Positive and gentle forces coming together and will provide wisdom, clarity and
sow seeds for long term peace and well being
be some tension between idealism and pragmatism
For individual
conjunction can trigger sensitive points in some charts
can be clarity, peace comfort and happiness
time for new undertaking.
Some More
Conunction means that Venus and Jupiter
are visible together in the sky (see the astronomical notes below)
Very close from Feb 21 –
March 11
Perfect on March 2nd.
Happens every year or so
Very special this year (as it
is happening in Pisces, own sign of Jupiter and exaltation for Venus). Both are
very happy
This happens every 12 years
(takes 12 years to Jupiter to go around the globe and Venus roughly one year).
Both of them are very happy together in this sign of Zodiac
What does
Jupiter and Venus represent:
All planets are personification of various aspect of our consciousness.
Jupiter: Jupiter is
the personification of wisdom within us. It stands for intellect, judgement and
discretion etc. It also shows the wise people (guiding others)and idealistic teachers in the
society. He is very sattvic in nature. He is the teachers of Devas (translated
to Gods)
Venus: Personifies
happiness within us. It stands for joy, comfort, luxuries creativity etc. It
includes both the material and spiritual joy. It also shows entertainers,
peacemakers and practical teachers in the society (grounded). He is rajsik in nature and is the teachers of
Demons (Rakshasha).
What is a Devata (God) and what is a Demon (Rakshasha)
Devatas are personifications
of various good things within us and demons are the personifications of
undesirable qualities within us.
Jupiter is the Intellect,
wisdom, judgment within us that is always working for our upliftment, consciousness
will always tell you if you are doing something wrong.
Venus is grounded, he wants
demon to be best. For example, someone has a bad quality within them, it helps
keep their bad things under control.
Prayers to jupiter and Venus to provide good results
Jupiter Mantra:
Devanam cha Rushinamcha Gurum Kamchana sannibham
Buddhibhutam trilokesam tham namami Bruhaspatim (5)
The Guru of the Devas and Rishis, who shines like that of gold.
The intellectual one, Lord (Guru) to the three Lokas, I bow to you, Lord Brihaspati.
Hima kumda mrunalabham daityaanam paramam Gurum
Sarva-sastra pravaktaram Bharghavam pranamamyaham (6)
The one who is compared to the attributes like snow, jasmine, and the stem of the lotus (Mrunala), who is the best or superior Guru to the Daityas.
An expert in all the Sastras, O Bhargava/Sukra (another name of Sukracharya), I prostrate before you.
The site below provides all the strotras. One can enhance Jupiter or Venus based on their preference or both.
Astronomical Notes:
Astronomically speaking,
a conjunction is when two astronomical objects appear close to each other in
the sky, as they appear from our view on Earth.
Venus and Jupiter could
be seen together after sunset above the west-southwest horizon. Measuring the
distance between the two using conventional means – holding your hand at arm’s
length and closing one eye – the two planets appeared about a fist-width apart,
around 30 minutes after sunset.
On 1 and 2 March, Venus and Jupiter will be less than one degree
apart in the sky. That's equivalent to the width of your pinkie when held out
at arm's length. When distances get this small, a degree is subdivided further
into arcminutes, and there are 60 arcminutes in one degree. Venus and Jupiter
will appear 39 arcminutes apart on 1 March at their closest approach, and 45
arcminutes apart the evening after on 2 March.
After that they begin to pull apart:
"Then, as quickly as they approached one another, both
planets will appear to separate again. Jupiter will slowly drift into the Sun’s
glare and be lost from view for a time, but Venus will continue to separate
from the Sun to light up the spring evening sky, " says Lawrence.
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